Curru Garabal


Art Direction
Социальный комментарий на испанское общество, обернутый в триллер про банду молодых и красивых преступников, чьи злоключения начинаются после провальной аферы на рынке недвижимости.
Out in the Open
Art Direction
A boy escaped from home, listening, crouched in the depths of his hiding place, the cries of the men who seek him. When the game passes, what remains before him is an infinite and arid plain that he must cross if he wants to get away definitively from what has made him flee. His steps will intersect with those of a pastor and, from that moment, nothing will be the same for either of them.
И придёт огонь
Art Direction
Амадор Коро получил два года тюрьмы за крупный пожар, который он якобы устроил в родных краях. Отсидев срок, он возвращается домой — к пожилой матери, сельским будням и немногочисленным местным жителям, которые сторонятся Амадора и считают его пироманом из-за его одержимости огнем.
The Tribe
Art Direction
A cleaner woman with vocational street dancer tries to recover her long-stranded son that she gave for adoption, a former CEO who lost everything, including his memories.
Art Direction
A rural couple in crisis, who have a brother and sister with urban problems, and all of them trying to find a solution.
The Change
Art Direction
Luis and Elvira travel to Romania after contact an Eastern European criminal organization. Near their destination, they receive a call that requires them to change the route. They must stop in Budapest and make a collection. Everything seems simple until they discover that it's an eight-year-old girl. From this moment they will have to make the hardest decision of their lives. Stick to the plan or release the girl. Decide what they decide, someone will die.
Here's the Deal
Art Direction
Suso and Manuel, two-parent family and lifelong friends, met fifty years, they become unemployed. When the situation is no longer tenable, an unusual fact: one day, while fishing, find a package with ten kilos of cocaine.
Art Direction
Молодого Диего ровно накануне свадьбы бросает невеста. Он придумывает план, согласно которому пропажу невесты необходимо скрыть, появиться в церкви в день свадьбы, напиться, прочитать речь, заново влюбиться в свою первую подружку… и вернуть невесту.
La noche que dejó de llover
Art Direction
Art Direction
We all have secrets. We all have family. We all search for happiness. What if we share our secrets and search for happiness together?
Wrap Up
Art Direction
Valeria (Manuela Pal) has changed his native Buenos Aires by Betanzos, a town of Coruña, in Spain from which his family. Eccentric, dreamy and fun, at 25 years old is in the most surreal emotional crossroads in his life: after the sudden death of her mature and attractive lover, Marcelo falls for the son of the deceased. Her friend Adela (Mary Bouzas), owner of the salon where they both work, will help clear up questions. A story about the universal desire to find their own identity, deciphering the collective love and live in a land that has nothing to envy to the boulevards of Paris.