Marta Lubos

Marta Lubos


Marta Lubos


Perros del viento
Welcome to Hell
To escape the leader of a satanic metal band and the father of her unborn child, Lucia moves to a remote cabin with her grandmother. Though safe in her surroundings, she is haunted by his memory and knows he will stop at nothing to track her down.
Fanny camina
Madre de Fanny
From her encounter with Eva Perón to the death of the icon, from her fascination with the Peronist cause to the persecution she will suffer after the Liberating Revolution, film star Fanny Navarro remembers her life walking today in the streets of Buenos Aires.
Материнский инстинкт
Лу и Фати - юные мамы, живущие в религиозном приюте Буэнос-Айреса. В этот приют приезжает Паола, чтобы принять здесь последний обет перед посвящением в монахини. Но беременность одной из девочек ставит ее в непростую ситуацию.
The Queen of Fear
Only one month left until the premiere of The Golden Time, the long-awaited solo show by acclaimed actress Robertina. Far from focused on the preparations for this new production, Robertina lives in a state of continuous anxiety that turns her privileged life into an absurd and tumultuous landscape.
Sister Gregoria
After receiving bad news, Natalia, a young novice, returns home, where her sister Ángela asks her to travel with her and her friends to a mysterious place.
Hesperidina Express
An elderly couple runs away in a stolen car. Stalked by a storm and a mysterious car, the couple must arrive to destiny in order to continue the trip. They won't lose their cool mood.
7 year old Matías returns home from a friend’s birthday party to find his mother, Laura, unconscious on the floor. When she recovers her senses they decide to leave home and rush to a shelter for abused women where they spend 48 hours before Laura decides to rebuild her life somewhere else. Through the eyes of Matías we will discover their escape in a city where everything Matías once knew feels dangerous and foreign until Laura finds a secure place to raise her son.
Darkness by Day
It starts like this: a beach, a cliff, a pine tree forest, and a house made of stone. In the house, Virginia wakes up startled by a nightmare, and in the nightmare we can see her cousin Anabel with a deathly pale face and traces of blood around her lips.
Helena and Ernesto's marriage is in problems when Helena's cousin arrives to complete his rehab at his isolated mountain home. His arrival releases repressed emotions and desires and puts them in contact with each other.
Together Forever
Screenwriter Javier Gross denies his past by making up fictional stories. Lucia, his wife, tired of his fiction, starts an affair. But not even the confession of infidelity touches Gross, who is caught up in the story of a script that is writing, whose idea is so powerful that dominates it completely. Lucia, after seeing that Gross is unshakable, decides to leave. But Gross wastes no time: the same day replaces Lucía by Laura. From day one, Gross confuses the names of women. Thus Laura is transformed into a second copy of the true love of Gross.
Follows a man as he silently goes through the desperation of a break-up. He aimlessly wanders the streets, meeting the night people of Buenos Aires; loners, thieves, fugitives, homeless, suicides, lovers and the ghost of the lost lover.
The Invisible Eye
Aduela Adela
A teaching assistant at a private Buenos Aires school begins obsessively spying on her students in the early 1980s, as the public rises up against the military dictatorship.
Патагония — южная часть Аргентины, куда в 19 веке стали прибывать эмигранты из Уэльса. В наше время молодая супружеская пара, у которой накопилось немало проблем, решает повторить их путь. А тем временем женщина из Патагонии, валлийка по происхождению, совершает путешествие в обратном направлении. Вместе с ней едет её юный племянник, которому предстоит встретить в новой стране свою любовь.
Night Runner
Eduardo, manager of an insurance company, is under a lot of stress and that's why he runs, especially when he is about to explode. One day, returning from an unsuccessful business trip, he meets a mysterious man at the airport who presents himself as a friend and benefactor and encourages Eduardo to change his life and be free
The Holy Girl
Amalia is an adolescent girl who is caught in the throes of her emerging sexuality and her deeply held passion for her Catholic faith. These two drives mingle when the visiting Dr. Jano takes advantage of a crowd to get inappropriately close to the girl. Repulsed by him but inspired by an inner burning, Amalia decides it is her God-given mission to save the doctor from his behavior, and she begins to stalk Dr. Jano, becoming a most unusual voyeur.