Marfa d'Hervilly


Минута истины
Главный герой, врач, Пьер Ришар узнает о том, что его жена, актриса Мадлен Ришар, ему изменяет. Оба проводят ночь, обмениваясь горькими упреками и вспоминая прошлые обиды…
До свидания, господин Грок
Жизнь клоуна Адриана Ветташа проходит в цирке, где он выступает под именем Грок. Благодаря серии картинок европейского художника, рассказывающей о его цирковой жизни, он получает мировую известность.
The Passenger
Mrs. Davracay
When her godmother dies, Nicole's happiness collapses and her fiancé leaves her because she is ruined.
Fantomas Against Fantomas
La dame du métro (uncredited)
Everyone in Paris thinks Fantomas is dead. A wave of extortion, blackmail and murder all point to the master criminal. Inspector Juve and his reporter friend Fandor set out to find the truth.
Глазами памяти
A passenger
Маленький самолет частной компании разбивается в пустыне, недалеко от Дакара. Пилот самолета, Жак Форестье, и его механик, Поль Маркадур, остались невредимы: они были пьяны и потеряли контроль над машиной! Благодаря вмешательству их друга, командира боевого самолета Эйр Франс, Пьера Обри и стюардессы Клэр Маньи, Жак и Поль были оправданы. Некоторое время назад Клэр и Жак провели вместе неделю, наполненную любовной страстью, после чего Жак оставил ее, плачущую на вокзале. Клэр пыталась покончить жизнь самоубийством, но ее спасли. После этого, Клэр, которая мечтала стать актрисой, решила стать стюардессой.
Дом последнего шанса
Une cliente
Профессор Патюро-Дюпарк принимает в своей клинике пациентов, склонных к суициду. Используя специальную сыворотку, он меняет личность своих клиентов. Семейная пара, Иоланда и Альбер, решаeтся обратиться к профессору, поскольку после свадьбы их отношения превратились в кошмар. Поэтому попытка изменить себя при помощи чудесной сыворотки — это их последний шанс.
The Chips Are Down
"Les jeux sont faits," is a fantasy film based on a screenplay by French existentialist philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre. A society heiress and a resistance fighter are tragically killed at the same moment and meet in the afterlife. They are offered a second chance at life if they can prove their love is real or be doomed to roam the earth as ghosts.
Monsieur chasse
La douairière
A husband covers his weekly infidelities with the pretext of hunting. His best friend intends to take advantage of the situation and makes an appointment with the outraged wife in a bachelor flat where the situation is resolved, not without morality being undermined.
Check on the King
Une dame de Saint-Cyr
Jeanne De Pincret refuses to marry Viscount Haussy De Villefort, having discovered his frivolity. After a duel against the Duke De Montgobert, whom Louis XIV recommended to Jeanne, the king forced De Villefort to marry Jeanne, then sent her to war. Separated from her husband, Jeanne discovers that she loves him.
The Honorable Catherine
Catherine's technique to sell her clocks is to blackmail illegitimate couples such as Jacques and Gisèle. However when Gisèle's husband Pierre walks in on them, Catherine pretends to be Jacques's lover to save the day. Jacques then gets caught up in her schemes when the next couple she deals with turn out to be jewel thieves who kidnap them.
The Lost Woman
Curious Lady (uncredited)
Marie, a young bourgeois and Jean, a cargo sailor have an affair, she becomes pregnant but he has to go back to the sea. Marie leaves for Paris where she meets Pierre and marries him. War breaks out, Jean and Pierre will befriend each other on the front.
Vie privée
The director
Beautiful and adored by the public, the great actress Florence once faulted with Remi, a disreputable individual. A little girl was born who lives in the countryside. Dorcier, the director, would like to marry Florence and wonders about her private life and her past existence. A jealous rival unleashes slander.
Hopes ...
Grigou owns a patch of land between farmers Martin's and Aubert's fields. Both covet this plot.As Grigou has lost the title deed,the mayor of the village decides to sell it.After an interminable auction sale, Aubert carries the day .To add insult to injury,shortly after, Martin is expelled from his farm,and becomes an innkeeper (a doomed inn where the former owner hanged himself). Ten years after, Aubert's daughter falls in love with Martin's son.Their fathers being deadly enemies, their marriage seems impossible.
The Duel
A widow is loved by a doctor whose brother, an ecclesiastic unconsciously in love with the young woman, persuades her to enter a convent. Brought back on the straight and narrow by a missionary, the priest blesses his brother's marriage.
Monsieur Hector
Une vieille cliente (uncredited)
In a palace in Nice, a modest valet is confused with his master, a viscount chased by a man-eater.
The Mondesir Heir
La cliente de Waldemer
Bienaimé, a modest postman, in love with Janine, the village postmistress, does not know that he is the illegitimate son of the old Baron de Mondésir. The Baron dies and in happy amazement, Bienaimé finds he is the sole heir to the deceased's estate. But he should be careful, for two crooks, Waldemar and Erika, are after his newly-acquired wealth.
My Crimes After Mein Kampf
The film shows the seizure of power by the Nazis and Hitler wants a trial, at a time when France has just declared war on Germany (Sept. 3, 1939). Hybrid composition, it alternates originals and reconstructions performed by actors (docudrama). A not-so-subtle condemnation of Hitler, Nazism and Germany by the movie's French film makers, which conveniently makes no mention of how the policies of Great Britain and France created Hitler and allowed him to go as far as he did prior to the beginning of the Second World War.
Three from St. Cyr
Three students from Saint-Cyr are sent to Syria to fight the rebels in the desert.
Fort Dolorès
Several men of different nationalities have decided to free themselves from the clutches of women and have vowed to help each other in case one of them might relapse. They find shelter in a hacienda on the pampas. They believe they are now safe from the evil influence of the fair sex. Unfortunately there is a farm nearby in which... a gorgeous woman is said to live. Great principles are short-lived, as they soon realize: lust, jealousy and hate set in at once.
Let’s Go Up the Champs-Élysées
Une Tricoteuse (uncredited)
The history of one of France's most famous streets is retold, featuring multiple performances from Guitry himself.
Café de Paris
This murder mystery is set in a Parisian cafe and examines the mysterious murder of a famed journalist and extortionist who is killed at his table in the cafe. Though the prime suspects are gathered together( including his wife and her lover, the gun-runner, the creditor, and a playboy) and all of them have motives, none of them did it. So whodunit?
The Midnight Airplane
During a stopover, Morel, an airline pilot and Colette spin the perfect love. She hides from him that she is compromised in the actions of a band of criminals. She manages to escape her dangerous friends while a shootout wipes them all out.
Firmin, le muet de Saint-Pataclet
Firmin, who returned mute from the war of 14-18, has never displeased anyone for twenty years in terms of political life where low blows, jealousy and betrayal are rife in his Provençal village. But an explosion gives him the floor.
Neuf de trèfle
Miche Doulin is a wife who like to spend. Her husband Henri, who is a diplomat and worried about several large bills, wins an unexpected gain at play. He hides his luck and invents an incredible burglary. His wife to repay the imaginary theft will commit a big imprudence, when she learns the truth.
Pluie d'or
Abandoned kids are taken in by a rather sleazy character who owns a shoe store and practices wear. The children grow up, the man dies and leaves them his fortune The heirs who only got the store, watch over them, which forces them to lead a double life.
Turandot, princesse de Chine
Princesse Czardas
The Princess of Weylersheim
During a transvestite ball, a young provincial meets Fanny Legrand. A great love is born between them. Later, the young man learns that Fanny was a great coquette. He leaves her, he comes back, he forgives. But when he embarks for America, Fanny does not follow him.
Un jour viendra
Tante Agathe
Colette et son mari
A philatelist absorbed in his collection abandons his wife. He had her followed by a detective and learned that two young people were courting her. He gives them two rare stamps and gets his wife back.
Une petite femme en or
Moune et son notaire
Mme Parpevieille
The brave notary Valentin Parpevielle has many problems with his young wife Moune, who has fallen in love with a crook count.
Je te confie ma femme
A young man, having seduced his friend's mistress, undertakes to leave his wife to the latter for one night, when he is married. A few years later, the friend claims his due and the young man introduces him to his so-called wife.
Le soir des rois
Orange Blossom
Not content to be an austere judge, M. de Méricourt is also a domestic tyrant. He terrorizes his son René to such an extent that the young man has dared not confess to him that he has married. As can be guessed, a lot of confusion ensues.
With Assurance
Beauty Spot
Tante Aurélie (as Marfa Dhervilly)
The ladykiller friend of a busy diplomatic attaché follows a masked blonde home after an elaborate ball without knowing she is that man's wife.
Bric a Brac and Company
Mme Verly
If Fernandel did not appear in a supporting part ,another short (by E.Chotin who made dozens of them)which would not have been restored.But Fernandel is here ,playing a street pedlar selling luxury (sic) clothes on the flea market with a gorgeous girl as a model.This is a rather desultory script but Fernandel's presence makes the short worthwhile.He sings one song: "le Père Lapuce". A wealthy antique dealer, having started in the flea market in the past, settles his son there, an unrepentant nuke, to teach him how to work. There he meets a treasure: his future wife.
Romance to the unknown
An idealistic youth finds sincere love after having been toyed with by several frivolous women who were not serious.
Mon Paris
Madame Minville
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