Julia Chu


Where the Wind Blows
In the 70's, Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption(HKICAC) was founded. The mission to hunt down corrupted detectives unveiled a new chapter of the colonial Hong Kong. Lui Lok (Aaron Kwok) and Nam Kong (Tony Leung) who used to be two rightous police officers wanted to change the status quo. They built an empire of corruption by controlling organized crimes and eventually took the position of Chief Chinese Detective. However, power struggle has always been the cause of chaos between the triad and police. Lui Lok’s wife, Tsai Zhen (Du Juan) was targetted by the triad for helping her husband in gaining his position. Even the most loyal detectives Fat-Bee (Michael Chow) and Yim Hung (Patrick Tam), almost turned their backs to Lui Lok. A new episode of history has begun when HKICAC issued the wanted notices for Lui Lok and Nam Kong. Their era has officially come to an end. Where the wind blows, Hong Kong is no longer where it used to be.
Fatal Visit
The story tells of Yanny (Charlene Choi), who leaves Hong Kong to escape a love affair gone bad. She goes to San Jose to visit Ling (Sammi Cheng), an old friend she hasn't seen in years. It seems like Ling and her husband Tang (Tong Dawei) lead an ideal, carefree existence. But during the short span of five days, Yanny uncovers the truth hidden behind the façade as she discovers the unspeakable secrets that propel all three down a fatal path shattering their American dreams and imperiling their lives.
Shed Skin Papa
As a director faces a series of setbacks in life including debt and divorce, his elderly father suddenly regains his youth.
Порт назначения
Гонконг, 2009 год. Полиция вызвана на место преступления, явно произошло убийство, но тела нет.
Когда гаснет свет
Фильм посвящен героической работе гонконгских пожарных. Начинается история с рядового, незначительного пожара на ликерном складе. Но ситуация с огнем быстро выходит из-под контроля, грозя ввернуть весь Гонконг в темноту накануне Сочельника. Узы братства всегда более сильны, когда вы связаны опасными для жизни ситуациями, и когда большое значение имеет, насколько вы доверяете тому, кто находится рядом с вами.
Кулак легенды
Production Supervisor
В начале XX века во время японской оккупации Китая самураи, кичившиеся своим непобедимым каратэ, жестоко убили миролюбивого учителя кунг-фу Хо. Деморализованный народ даже не помышлял о сопротивлении. Устрашились все, кроме Жень Чена, самого одаренного ученика погибшего мастера. Узнав о случившемся, герой клянется во что бы то ни стало отомстить убийцам. И когда приходит час возмездия, стонущий под пятой захватчиков Шанхай превращается в поле грандиозной битвы между дерзким одиночкой и сонмом опаснейших врагов.
Production Supervisor
Фонг Сай-Юк был лучшим мастером кунг-фу из Кантона времен династии Манчжу. Волею судеб Фонг оказывается перед необходимостью вступить в боевой турнир, победитель которого получит руку красавицы Тинь Тинь. Идея женитьбы таким путем кажется ему сомнительной, тем более, что драться придется с матушкой невесты, свирепой Шью Хуань! А тем временем над семьей Фонга нависает беда: над его отцом, членом враждебного императору общества Красного Лотоса, нависает смертельная опасность.
What's Up Connection
Production Manager
When a Hong Kong teenager from a poor family wins a trip to Japan, he unleashes a chain of events that will soon bring him from his secluded fishing village to Tokyo. On the way, he connects with a barely competent tour guide and a gender-fluid pickpocket. Upon returning home with this merry band of schemers, he and his family of counterfeiters discover that a multinational conglomerate led by a ruthless Japanese developer has found the village, and is determined to raze it to build the new center of world trade.
An Autumn's Tale
Production Manager
A story about a New York Chinatown cab driver who falls for college student.
The Hanging Sun
Tiger, a young man from Hong Kong, travels to Taipei on assignment as a mule for the syndicate. He is honey- trapped by local thugs, and makes an escape. Running away from his pursuers, he ducks into a deserted shop in a mall. This turns out to be a place where men pay to talk to random lady callers on the phone. Tiger receives a phone call from a woman named Mani, who says she is blind. Mani tells Tiger of her first love and heartbreak from years ago. Eventually, Tiger reciprocates with his own story of loss and betrayal. After leaving the shop, under a bewitching sun, Tiger finds himself somehow transported to the streets of Taipei 30 years ago. He panics and bumps into a young woman on the street. She is blind and her name is Mani.