Director of Photography
RJ is a new angel, who is given the chance to address his one regret, that he didn’t help his sisters reconcile while he was still alive. Returning to earth as a stranger, he gets each of them to revive The Holiday Stocking, their parent’s old tradition to encourage charity at Christmas.
Director of Photography
Jennifer and Meg Swift are two sisters who are very close despite living far apart. Jennifer is in Salt Lake City, running a successful restaurant she started with her late husband and raising her teenaged son Simon, Meg stayed in their hometown of Hazelwood, helping their parents run the local bakery.
Director of Photography
Amanda must work with her ex-boyfriend, J.P., to sell her favorite aunt’s pecan farm. Putting aside their differences, old feelings start to rekindle and they question their life paths.
Faced with a crossroads in her life, Aubrey reflects on her experiences in joining the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and how they have strengthened her and her family through their challenges.
Camera Operator
Боевые свиньи — спецподразделение, цель которого — уничтожить нацистов там, где они меньше всего ожидают удара. Сюжет фильма вращается вокруг профессора Кембриджского университета, избравшего в качестве своего девиза изречение уайльдовского лорда Генри из «Портрета Дориана Грея»: «Единственный способ отделаться от искушения - уступить ему». Но однажды в жизни героя появляется молодая женщина, ради которой он решает пересмотреть личные приоритеты и подавить гедонистические наклонности. И все бы хорошо, вот только сводная сестра новой возлюбленной профессора ждет от него ребенка.
Director of Photography
A group of native Liberian missionaries make a desperate cross-country trip through their war torn country to save one of their own.