Kayla Esmond

Kayla Esmond


Kayla Esmond


The Focusing Effect
Jay Morris
For his final project for film class in college, Kevin Morris, with the help of his girlfriend Julie and his roommate Jay, is making a documentary in which ex-couple share their breakup stories individually. When he comes across a disturbing secret involving one of his subjects (Ashley), he goes against his better judgment and shares it with Ashley's ex-boyfriend, James. But when the results are anything but satisfying, things start to get dangerous as James acts more ominous and it seems the lives of Kevin, Julie, Jay, and Ashley are soon in question.
Бог не умер 2
Crazy Cat Lady
На этот раз речь идёт о развитии любви к Богу в стенах школы. По мнению создателей, имя Иисуса Христа звучит в образовательных заведениях и на площадях всё реже и реже, и если ничего не предпринимать, вскорости его и вовсе позабудут. Поэтому настало время доказать, что «Бог не умер».
Spoonin' The Devil
After the death of her husband Victoria, with her niece Samantha in tow, begrudgingly takes his ashes to their final resting place. Dumping spoonfuls of his ashes along the way.