The film's story is a prequel to the Fist of the North Star depicting the one year interval between Kenshiro's defeat at the hands of Shin and their later battle. Unlike the others in the series this film has a completely original storyline in which Kenshiro, near death after his battle with Shin and having used his remaining energy to kill a pack of wolves, was captured by slavers. Due to his strength, Kenshiro could escape whenever he wanted, but chose to stay and protect the other slaves.
A film adaptation of the Holy Emperor story arc, which primarily depicted the conflict between Kenshiro and Souther. New characters Reina, one of Raoh's army officers who falls in love with him, and her brother Soga, Raoh's advisor, play an important part with much of the plot involving Raoh's relationship with Reina as he conquers the land; most of this portion is new content exclusive to this film. The other side of the story is the retelling of Ken's attempt to save and protect the villagers from Souther's army with the help of Shū. There is also a small subplot of Bart returning to his home.
Shino Sakurai was a chemistry teacher who had recently transferred to Shirakumo Academy. She was a beautiful woman who looked good in glasses, and she was the envy of all the people in the school. One day, Sayaka Iijima, a female student, confessed that she was worrying about sex.
Похититель редких сокровищ снова спешит навстречу приключениям. Правда на этот раз – вынужденно. Главный герой попался в лапы своим врагам во время очередной кражи. Ему поставили жесткое условие: аферист должен похитить камень «Глаз быка». И мало того, что хранится он в одном из самых охраняемых музеев, так ещё и отправляет на тот свет своего владельца. Но кажется, у нашего мошенника нет иного выхода. Неужели легендарного авантюриста и впрямь прижали к стенке? Сумеет ли он сохранить свою жизнь и коллекцию, которая также оказалась под угрозой?
Mika Katagiri wants her band to perform at the upcoming local festival. However, complications arise. Their keyboardist, Jun, refuses to play, and their stage has been cancelled. Refusing to give up, Mika and her band strive to find a way to play at the festival, using any means necessary.