Masayuki Gotou


Masayuki Gotou is a Japanese animation director and character designer.


Ultraman Blazar The Movie: Tokyo Kaiju Showdown
Character Designer
A wave of kaiju emerges from an industrial zone, prompting Capitan Gento and the Special Kaiju Reaction Detachment (SKaRD) to engage in the relentless battle. Yet despite their efforts, the endless kaiju attack continues. Suspecting a link to Necromass Co., an advanced chemical company that researches kaiju corcasses and owns factories in the industrial zone, SKaRD rushes to the company’s CEO and renowned chemist, Dr. Mabuse. At Necromass Co.’s research facility, Dr. Mabuse explains the development of the damudoxin, a substance on the brink of achieving immortality. Meanwhile, Alien Damuno, who claims themselves as the “ruler of the universe” appears! Chaos ensues when damudoxin leaks from the destroyed tanks, consuming samples of kaiju carcasses and giving rise to the giant Gongilgan, the Demonic Carcass. Set in Tokyo, the capital of Japan, Ultraman Blazar and SKaRD clash in a showdown against the giant kaiju!
Ultra Galaxy Legend Side Story: Ultraman Zero vs. Darklops Zero - Stage II: Zero's Suicide Zone
Character Designer
Zero finds himself trapped within a universal gap and faced against an impostor Ace. Following the battle, Darklops Zero was restrained once more by Herodia, remembering a figure named "Kaiser Belial" before deactivating. Rei was restrained after his failed attempt to intrude the alien base but was rescued by none other than his alternate self. Unlike the prime Rei, alternate Reimon was never able to control his powers, forced into the state of Reionic Burst until the original Rei punched Reimon, thus deactivating its Reionic Burst mode. Rei revealed that he lost his Rayblood instinct after Hyuga threw Seven's Eye Slugger, creating a scar on his chest which symbolizes the former's friendship with ZAP SPACY members. While searching for Rei, Hyuga instead finds his Neo Battle Nizer and an entrance to the alien base made by Litra. Although the fake Ace was destroyed, Zero try to find an escaped but was halted by Seven and Ultraman impostors.
Ultra Galaxy Legend Side Story: Ultraman Zero vs. Darklops Zero - Stage I: Cosmic Collision
Character Designer
Zero sits on a cliff while he watches a strange tower firing lightning bolts, and then rises to face against what it seemed to be members Ultra Brothers, Ultraman, Robot Zoffy, Ultraman Jack and Ultraman Ace. After incapacitating the ZAP SPACY's Space Pendragon, Ultraseven joined the group as they face against Zero.
Character Designer
Baton is a collection of three 20-minute Sci-fi anime films dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the establishment of Yokohama city. On Planet Abel, human-like robot Apollo (Ichihara Hayato, Rookies) and robot-like human Mikaru (Ueto Aya, Azumi) come upon a stowaway robot with a mysterious "Cipher" chip. Not knowing Cipher's powers, Apollo takes the chip for fun, throwing both him and Mikaru headfirst into a mind-boggling mystery that affects the past, present, and future.
Pokemon Crystal: Raikou, the Legend of Thunder!
Mechanical Designer
Kenta, a Pokemon master in the making, meets up with his childhood friend, Marina, at a Pokemon Center, to see how their skills have developed. Their battle is interrupted by a thunderstorm and the arrival of Bashou and Buson, two Rocket-dan members using the Crystal System (which attracts Electric-type Pokemon). Their ultimate goal is to, under the guidance of professor Shiranui, bring Pokemon back to Sakaki. Kenta and Marina stumble upon this plan, and they try to stop it, but things get more difficult when the legendary Pokemon Raikou is captured.
Возвращение Рубак на большой экран
Key Animation
В этом приключении девушка Сарина просит Лину и Нагу помочь с демонами-грабителями, вторгшимися в ее деревню. Едва услышав название деревни, Лина немедленно бросилась на помощь, волоча за собой и Нагу. Она-то знает, что когда-то эльфы рядом с этой деревней спрятали запретные сокровища. И она хочет эти сокровища! Но оказалось, что грабители тоже в курсе дела...
Key Animation
Ралли Винсент хорошо знает свое оружие, а ее партнер Минне Май Хопкинс любит играть со взрывчаткой. Пара незаконно управляет оружейным магазином и однажды Билл Коллинз из ATF, шантажирует Ралли и Минни Мэй, чтобы они работали на ATF. Они слабо представляли, насколько сложной будет их миссия.
Рубаки на большом экране
Key Animation
Есть вещи, которые лучше никогда не делать. Например, пытаться отомстить Лине Инверс, особенно если вы бандит и умудрились пережить первую с ней встречу. Серьезно пострадавшая от вышеупомянутой Лины - при неудачной попытке ограбления - тройка великовозрастных гопников совершила непростительную ошибку, наняв ее "Великую Соперницу" Нагу Змею для проведения кровавых разборок.
Мобильный воин ГАНДАМ Эф-91
Key Animation
Новая глава в истории U.C. переводит часы сразу на 30 лет вперёд. Итак на дворе 123 U.C... 30 лет относительного мира в космосе позволили продолжить строительство колоний и эмиграцию туда людей. Связка новых колоний, Фронтир, оказывается атакована новым врагом - Crossbone Vanguard, возглавляемых древним аристократическим родом Рона. Их целью является захват власти в космосе и создание новой монархии, при которой у власти находились бы чистокровные аристократы, а не корумпированые и трусливые чиновники. Молодой парень - Сибук Арно, оказывается поневоле втянутым в этот конфликт и вместе со своими друзьями, и возлюбленной пытается покинуть родную колонию...
The Samurai
Character Designer
Sixteen-year-old high school student Takeshi Chimatsuri has devoted his life to being a master samurai like his father was. Then one day, the Toki twins, two ninja sisters he's known since childhood, transfer to his school and issue him a challenge to take back their family dagger from him. Unfortunately for him, they have discovered his one weakness: the fear of the naked female body. Now, Takeshi must undergo special training from his classmates Atsuko and Torai, and his teacher Miss Ayatsugi to resist the combined brute strength of Akari and the temptation of her sex-crazed twin Kagiri. Class will never be in order with these three constantly fighting each other.
California Crisis: Gun Salvo
Key Animation
Noera is heading to work after drinking all night with a friend when he meets Marcia, a young biker heading towards Los Angeles. They abruptly get involved in a car chase and Marcia ends up retrieving a locked metal box from one of the pursued vehicles. Within it, a dark sphere. Many people want the orb at any cost forcing Noera and Marcia to desperately run away while trying to figure out what exactly is the strange object they are carrying.