In 1978, when rock was banned in Mexico, four friends dared to initiate a punk revolt.
In 1978, when rock was banned in Mexico, four friends dared to initiate a punk revolt.
Original Music Composer
Чтобы спасти жизнь своего сына, Ана отправляется на поиски мощного камня из Зоны Молчания, расположенной в Мексике.
Original Music Composer
After releasing the Chupacabras, Leo San Juan decides that it is time to return together with his brother Nando to his grandmother's house. Halfway down the road, Charro Negro manages to confuse Leo and because of him, an innocent girl is dragged into the underworld. Leo is forced to repair the damage. Your friends will come to try to help you and get out of there as soon as possible. But it is no coincidence that the Charro has chosen to involve Leo, his intentions go beyond getting a new soul.
Крутой кот собирает отряд, чтобы навести порядок на улицах Манхэттена, где все пляшут под дудку таинственного и очень опасного мистера Кроко. Однако банду кота он не пугает. Когда ты наглый, находчивый и очаровательный, а мягкая лапка скрывает острые коготки — перед тобой (почти) нет препятствий.
Original Music Composer
Вы помните, как все начиналось? Давным-давно в страну Оз прилетела юная героиня, ее звали Дороти, она смогла победить Коварную Ведьму Запада и добрая волшебница Глинда помогла ей вернуться домой. А друзья Дороти — Страшила, Железный Дровосек и Смелый Лев — стали правителями страны Оз. И все в волшебной стране было хорошо, пока Глинда по своей доброте не решила дать Коварной Ведьме Запада еще один шанс. Чары Злодейки поместили в метлу, а метлу передали Правителям. Но злая ведьма — есть злая ведьма, даже без своих чар… Знакомая с детства история, продолжение которой рассказывает маленькая летающая обезьянка, которая на самом деле не умеет летать и не хочет служить Коварной Ведьме Запада.
Documentary testimonial Nicaraguan-Spanish director Mercedes Moncada. It is not an autobiography, but it points to a very emotional perspective with the Nicaraguan revolution. Narrated in the first person, the documentary tells testimonial filmmaker's memories from his childhood, when the revolution broke up the "loss and betrayal" of the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) to the political principles that had been erected.
Супер Кот и его озорная шайка бродячих котов сталкиваются с новым шефом полиции и своим старым заклятым врагом — офицером Дибблом. Полиция полна решимости помешать проделкам Кота и надеется выдворить его из любимого переулка. Но как бы они не старались, команде Супер Кота всегда удается обвести блюстителей закона вокруг пальца.
Ramiro is a theater actor who lives estranged from his father and half brother. One morning, he runs into a suicide, who says he is an evil omen. Despite Ramiro´s efforts, the young man dies before his eyes, which leads him to believe that he has caught his bad luck. From then on, his life turns upside down, at the same time as he gets together with his family to fulfill his father´s last wish: to find the love of his life and say goodbye to her.
On the night that Parka pried the championship from Abismo Negro's hands, the master of darkness' long lasting resentments resurge, thus threatening AAA's stability. With the help of Chesman, Charly Manson, and Cybernético, Abismo plots his revenge. Not even Octagón, AAA's spiritual leader, can stop the evil turn of events. When Kenzo Suzuki and Yonatan, Parka's younger brother, are kidnapped, it's quite clear the war has begun. Parka, helped by Gronda, Mascarita, Faby Apache, and Octagón, will fight to their very last breath to overcome the obstacles. The sudden appearance of a long lost evil, Triple A's ancestral enemy, rises the odds even more. An abandoned insane asylum, murderous cyborgs, gigantic dragonflies, ancient armies, and time travel are just the beginning of the adventure. The most spectacular lucha libre match ever is about to begin...
One morning, Rebeca wakes up to discover that her weight has drastically increased without her experiencing any change in her appearance. As the story evolves, Rebeca, overwhelmed by her weight, that keeps increasing even more at each moment; tries to develop her daily life as usual, until it becomes completely impossible. From that moment on, Rebeca suffers a progressive deterioration that starts affecting the people around her.
A woman seeks help from one of her bigamous husband's killers to transport his corpse back to her home.
After her husband leaves her for a younger woman, Julia plans her revenge with the help of her grandmother.