Jérémie Duvall
Рождение : 1993-12-15, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Yvelines, France
В 1957 году Пьер Дюран, выпускник Эколь Нормаль, приезжает в Москву на стажировку в университете. Здесь он знакомится c балериной Большого театра Кирой Галкиной и фотографом Валерой Успенским. Благодаря этому знакомству Пьер погружается в культурную жизнь Москвы, не только официальную, но и подпольную. У него начинается роман с Кирой. Но стажировка и знакомство с жизнью в СССР — не единственная цель Пьера. Он ищет своего отца, белого офицера Татищева, который был арестован в конце 1930-х. Их встреча — кульминация фильма. За год в Москве Пьер проживает целую жизнь, совершенно непохожую на все, что он знал. Когда Пьер улетает обратно в Париж, он надеется, что когда-нибудь еще сможет увидеть Киру. В кармане его пиджака лежит пленка с номером подпольного журнала «Грамотей».
Poor Bastards is a sketch film, written by twelve authors. Mirror or projection, poor bastards have fun with everyday facts and do not tell a story, but stories. Through these short and bitter stories, are revealed all the cracks of the human race, which, in a movement of globalization and neoliberalism more and more assertive, can lead the ordinary man to be a monster of cowardice, cruelty, indifference or hypocrisy. Poor bastards from an odd angle, transcribe reality provocatively or not, always with the same ambition: to react.
Achille, a handsome Parisian teen from a well-off family, falls victim to a violent attack. After being sent to the seaside for a holiday to get himself back on track, he meets Brian, an angry young man. Their showdown will reveal their true nature, and their struggle will give rise to a killer…
Fifteen-year-old Sébastien Lecoeur is headed to the country for the weekend with his father. In a hurry to arrive before nightfall, his father is driving much too fast. As the car hurtles through a sleeping village at full speed, they hit a figure by the side of the road. The shape crashes against the hood of the car. Sébastien screams, but his father turns off the headlights and accelerates - could he have not seen anything? What will happen between father and son in the weeks that follow? How will the burden of this terrible secret affect their relationship? Their hit-and-run may drive them down a road neither is prepared to handle....
Michel Drucker à 16 ans
Caroline and Olivier are sixteen, in love and would like nothing more than to be left alone. Unfortunately, be it parents, grandparents or even teachers, everyone seems to want to meddle and interfere in their affairs.
Jean Barbier
A young French boy deals with the effects of war. Conflicts arise as his trusted neighbor and advisor is taken away by the Germans and the boy loses respect for his father, who tries to appease the German soldiers lodging in the family home.
Polo is 16 and has all the worries of a teenager his age. Between a bedridden mother and a sister who dreams of being a Miss, the only one he can look up to is his father. Unfortunately, he works as a maid ...
Tom Canavaro, Jo's boy
Grandson of a legendary rugby player, son of a legendary rugby player, and he himself a legendary rugby player, Jo Canavero raises his only son, Tom, in a small village in the Tarn region. To the great displeasure of Jo, thirteen-year-old Tom is as good at math as he is useless on the rugby field. For a Canavero, the legend can't stop there, even if it means setting up a rugby team specifically for Tom, despite the wishes of the whole village and of Tom himself.