Rafael Suárez


New World
Art Direction
Towards the end of the 16th century, the Spanish conquerors living in the New World faced a serious problem: the evangelization of the indigenous people, who did not understand or accept Christianity due to their unshakable faith in their own religion. The court of the Inquisition cracks down on heretics and the natives prepare for a general uprising ...
The Bricklayers
Set Decoration
When a worker is found murdered on the construction side, the investigation swiftly turns from things criminal to the political circumstances surrounding the building itself. Widespread corruption and neglect by the builder himself are seen to have brought the situation about. Much of the movie is filmed using hand-held cameras, and the majority of the dialogue is in the difficult-to-understand and very slangy Spanish dialect of Mexico City's bricklayers.
Pink Zone
Set Decoration
In a whorehouse in Acapulco, lives Leonor, a young and beautiful woman who is awaiting to reunite with an old lover. Suddenly, the man reappears to take her away from her life of vice. But the debt owed by Leonor to the "Madame" of the house causes a series of conflicts.
Las tarántulas
Set Decoration
From the 'Chanoc' series of comic-book adaptations: Chanoc and his entourage face off against a jewel thief who has eyes on a shipwrecked treasure lying off the coast.
The Chinese Room
Set Decoration
An unorthodox doctor makes a house call to the Acapulco abode of a mushroom addict.
Tres mil kilómetros de amor
Set Decoration
Romance, stolen jewels and sitcom humor on a bus-trip from Tijuana to Guadalajara.
Час оружия
Set Decoration
В результате очередной перестрелки шериф Уайт Эрп убивает нескольких людей из банды Клэнтона. После того, как бандиты в отместку убивают брата Эрпа, он вместе со своим другом Доком Холлидеем отправляется на поиски убийц.
La soldadera
Set Decoration
While waiting for a train which will take them on their honeymoon, two newlyweds, Juan and Lázara, are separated by a federal army commander who is going around enlisting men to fight against the revolutionaries. Traveling with the troops, Lázara follows Juan until he dies in a battle against the Villistas. From that moment on, the young woman's fate will be in the hands of whoever happens to win the latest contest, an uncertain fate for someone whose only wish is for a home of her own.
Вива Мария!
Set Dresser
Где-то в Центральной Америке, 1907 год: Мария II - дочь ирландского террориста, после смерти отца встречает Марию I, певицу из цирка. Она решает остаться и в своем дебюте случайно исполняет стриптиз, после чего обе становятся местными знаменитостями. Вскоре они встречают революционера Флореса, который предлагает им присоединиться к нему против диктатуры.
Las tapatías nunca pierden
Set Decoration
An heiress and some friends pose as gypsies to fight back against some bad-hats who are squatting on her new estate.
Shark Hunters
Set Decoration
Aurelio is a shark fisherman who works very hard to send money to his family in the city and keep Manela, his young lover on the coast. One day, he decides to move to the big city.
La marca del muerto
Set Decoration
Mad scientist brings his dead mad scientist grandfather back to life and makes a Frankenstein-type monster out of him.
Великолепная семерка
Set Decoration
В маленькой деревушке крестьяне годами страдают от бесчинств местных бандитов. Их главарь Калвера держит в страхе всю округу, мучая ее жителей постоянными поборами и наказаниями. И однажды крестьяне решают нанять себе защитников — семерых вооруженных всадников во главе с бритоголовым Крисом. Великолепная семерка быстро наводит порядок, но Калвейре все же удается бежать. И тогда поимка злодея и его соратников становится делом чести великолепной семерки.
El caso de una adolescente
Set Decoration
The Last of the Fast Guns
Set Decoration
A rich, dying Easterner hires gunfighter Brad Ellison to find his brother and heir in Mexico. En route, it becomes clear to Ellison that his is a dying profession. At a remote rancho, Ellison enlists ranch foreman Miles Lang to help him search the hills where the missing man is rumored to have lived. They find nothing ...except that someone wants to kill them; and Ellison becomes wrapped in a maze of double crosses.
El gato sin botas
Set Decoration
Target of ridicule from fellow military academy, the cowardly Augustin did not want to return to their village for fear of confronting his grandfather, a revolutionary colonel. In love with the movie star Laura, Agustin flee to the capital but encounters the dangerous Humberto, another in love with the actress. Thanks to his "nine lives", he attains overcome perilous adventures and, incidentally, overcome their fears.
Comedians of the League
Set Decoration
The guy that runs the concession stand at a vaudeville theatre gets tangled up with a gang of thieves.
Teatro del crimen
Set Decoration
In a music hall has committed a murder, the police will also find the murderer.
Fruto prohibido
Set Decoration
A writer is given custody of his editor's daughter after she is orphaned. Once she grows up, they become romantically involved.
La cobarde
Set Decoration
A stranded ship. A man and two boys go to its rescue - uncle Arturo and his two nephews. The ship is empty, except for a little girl - the only survivor.
Rostros olvidados
Set Decoration
A woman looses her baby girl in a train accident but, years later, the girl's father reveals that the baby survived and was raised by him with two other daughters.
Set Decoration
A man steals to buy medicine for his sick mother but when she dies he gets into drug trafficking at a local cabaret.
Mexicanos al Grito de Guerra
Utility Stunts
In times of the French Intervention, a student of Nunó, author of the Mexican National Anthem, falls in love with the niece of the French Ambassador, which causes quite amusing complications.