Sadafumi Sano


Director of Photography
Комедия о мальчике из семьи самураев, который получает сомнительные советы о свиданиях из журнала «Playboy». А помогает знакомству с этими романтическими постулатами ниндзя-прислуга Шинобимару.
Kimama ni Idol
Director of Photography
Two teenagers, Haruka and Natsuki, win a lottery and run off to Tokyo to enjoy life. There, they meet a third girl, Fumiko, and decide to form an idol group and break into show biz.
Мир Талисмана
Director of Photography
Два подростка на отдаленной планете оказываются втянутыми в противостояние между искусственной "неорганической" цивилизацией и самой Вселенной, в процессе которого сражаются, убегают, догоняют..... Картина как о ней уже многие отзывались весьма трансцендентна. Но захватывает с первой минуты и до последней....
Доктор Сламп
Director of Photography
Arale and her friends learn of a World Grand Prix being organised by the Radial Kingdom. The prize is marrying Princess Front (a dead ringer to Ms. Yamabuki) or 1 million dollars. Of course they decide to enter for the money. Not so for Dr. Mashirito; he is going for the princess and will stop at nothing to win! The princess though has her own plan, which involves Ms. Yamabuki, and that of course means even Dr. Slump decides to enter with his trusty Borobo. Let the race begin...
Dr. Slump: Hoyoyo! Space Adventure
Director of Photography
When local teacher Midori Yamabuki receives an emergency summons to her home planet it turns out to be a trap devised by galactic warlord Dr. Mashirito, and it's up to Dr. Senbei Norimaki and a group of students (including his robot daughter Arale) to venture into space to save her.