Makeup Artist
Two sisters, no love lives. Both end up dating the same man, and inviting him to meet the family on December 17th. He doesn’t know there are two sisters or that he committed to two different dates on the same day.
Makeup Department Head
Famous pop star Ricky Prince has grown tired of the spotlight and the pressures of fame. He makes the acquaintance of Ralph Bitondo, a pizza delivery boy who looks almost exactly like Ricky -- so much so that the two decide to trade identities for a while.
Makeup Artist
David Grodin has an obsessive-compulsive personality. But he is also just plain obsessed with Maxine Smith, his ex-wife of five years and his business partner. Their small business is Mr & Mrs, a small swimwear company he founded but that only became successful when she became its creative director. They work well together and are best friends, but Max feels that they just could not live together and be married to each other. They learn that because of a legal technicality, their divorce was never executed and thus they are still legally married.
Makeup Artist
После выкорчевывания старого дерева во дворе дома в земле обнаружилась большая загадочная дыра. Когда родители Глена и его сестры Эл уехали из дома на три дня, с детьми начали происходить страшные события, так или иначе связанные с таинственной дырой…
Makeup Artist
Действие происходит в эпоху палеолита. Погас огонь, который поддерживали на протяжении долгого времени. Люди, которые не умеют разжигать огонь, должны найти его, ведь без огня невозможна жизнь племени. Чтобы завоевать сердце возлюбленной, главный герой отправляется на поиски огня. Путь его полон опасностей.