Murat Emir Eren


As If I Never Existed
A woman in her thirties decides to leave her house in order to escape the feeling of a suffocation that makes her life impossible. The harder she tries to erase her existence from the house, the stronger the house clings to her. Objects, possessions, and ghosts of other people seem to be holding on to her. Worries and disturbances bring her closer to them. That day, the woman realises she cannot undo anything that exists—even herself
As If I Never Existed
A woman in her thirties decides to leave her house in order to escape the feeling of a suffocation that makes her life impossible. The harder she tries to erase her existence from the house, the stronger the house clings to her. Objects, possessions, and ghosts of other people seem to be holding on to her. Worries and disturbances bring her closer to them. That day, the woman realises she cannot undo anything that exists—even herself
Без корней
В семье случается несчастье. Отец внезапно умирает. Роль его должна взять на себя старшая дочь Фериде, поскольку мать Нурджан находится в беспомощном состоянии. Еще у Фериде есть младший брат Илькер и совсем маленькая сестра Озге, которых тоже надо кормить, одевать и воспитывать. По истечении некоторого времени, вся семья уже воспринимает Фериде в роли отца. Отношения в семье постепенно начинают рушиться для каждого члена семьи. Брат Фериде начинает постепенно отдаляться от семьи. В связи с этим, младшая сестренка чувствует себя очень одиноко. Мать относится к Фериде так, как-будто она потеряла не мужа, а дочь. Тогда Фериде решается на отчаянный поступок, который должен сделать жизнь каждого значительно лучше
Island: Wedding of the Zombies
Five people who knew each other for a long time a group of friends, to attend the wedding of a mutual friend goes to Buyukada. Erhan, weddings, and long intervals, the team can come together to be able to record their happy moments brought a camera, and is continuous. All throughout the film viewed, it is reflected from the camera. Later a group of wedding guests attacking zombie, turns into a mess of blood.
Island: Wedding of the Zombies
Five people who knew each other for a long time a group of friends, to attend the wedding of a mutual friend goes to Buyukada. Erhan, weddings, and long intervals, the team can come together to be able to record their happy moments brought a camera, and is continuous. All throughout the film viewed, it is reflected from the camera. Later a group of wedding guests attacking zombie, turns into a mess of blood.
Island: Wedding of the Zombies
Five people who knew each other for a long time a group of friends, to attend the wedding of a mutual friend goes to Buyukada. Erhan, weddings, and long intervals, the team can come together to be able to record their happy moments brought a camera, and is continuous. All throughout the film viewed, it is reflected from the camera. Later a group of wedding guests attacking zombie, turns into a mess of blood.