Suavi Eren

Suavi Eren

Рождение : 1949-10-08, Bilecik, Turkey


Suavi Eren


Kalpten Gerdanlık
A well-known jewelry designer, Akın designs a necklace that he will make using the human heart and commits murders to realize his design. Akın, who does not want to be caught by the police without completing his design, has an indirect relationship with every victim he has killed.
İçimdeki İnsan
The human tragedy and the suffering of the Crimean Turks who were taken hostage as prisoners of war in German prison camps during World War II.
Koca Uruz
XIII век. После смерти Чингисхана монгольская империя разделилась на четыре ханства-улуса, которые при сохранении видимости единства под рукой великого хана, вели свою игру. Чтобы избежать монгольского завоевания и заключить союзнические отношения с одним из этих ханств — Золотой ордой, населенной в основном родственными им кичаками, турки-сельджуки хотят выдать родственницу турецкого правителя, принцессу Чисе, замуж за Чаанбая, сына правителя Золотой Орды хана Берке. Однако, эта затея не нравится монгольскому ильхану Угедею, мечтающему о завоевании и разграблении государства турок. Он отправляет Токучар-нойона и головореза Джамуку любыми способами сорвать этот брак.
Behram Ağa
Фильм посвящен жизни последней фаворитки Султана Ахмета I, — взаимно и горячо им любимой законной супруге Махпейкер, или Кёсем-султан, — матери султанов Мурата IV и Ибрагима I, жившей в XVII веке и фактически правящей Османской Империей в течение 10 лет после смерти Ахмета I.
Kenan Evren
The political drama "Zincirbozan" was written by journalist Avni Özgürel, and depicted the period between 1979 and 1983, the most tumultous years in the recent Turkish history. Zincirbozan shows a chronology of the most significant events in this period , such as the assassination of the famous journalist Abdi İpekçi, the escalating terrorism in the run up to the 1980 military coup, the futile attempts of politicians to stop the turmoil and terror on the streets, the military taking over the government, and the exiling of the political figures, and depicts the period with new insights into its less known aspects. The movie is named after the Zincirbozan military complex in the city of Çanakkale, where the leading politicans of the period were interned.
Kolay Para
The Blue Exile
Mavi Sürgün is a fictionalized account of one period of the life of a Turkish journalist who was condemned to exile for an article he wrote in 1925. He turned his punishment into a reward by creating a little paradise in what is today the holiday resort, Bodrum. In fact he is considered by some to be the first ecologist. The film concentrates on this latter aspect of his character and through flashbacks portrays the inner turmoil of a man who is trying to come to terms with his past. The slow pace is somewhat of a drawback, the flashbacks are often confusing and the protagonist is not always very convincing. But the photography of the country side is exceptional Kenan Ormanlar and the short appearance by a very theatrical Hanna Schygulla of Fassbinder fame adds a little spice to the drama.
The Mirror
Der Spiegel reflects the sad existence of a village couple, Necmetting and Zelihan, whose lives are regulated by nature and the all-powerful feudal lord. When the lord's good-looking brother tries to seduce beautiful Zelihan, her husband has no choice but take up arms to restore his lost honor. But the question of whether anything can be more important than human life haunts him. Der Spiegel is a psychological drama that focuses on a menage-a-trois and at the same time holds a mirror to the generally ignored lives of the poor peasants, examning their loves, passions and dreams, particularly those of the women. Despite the theatricality of the dream sequences and the scene with the slaughter of a cow, the story generally flows easily in a minimalist style, with impressive photography by Kenan Ormanlar.
Germany, Bitter Home
Follows the life of a Turkish woman living and working in Germany.