“An Zéro” is a transmedia project structured around a docu-fiction which has the ambition of exploring and documenting, in a plausible manner, the scope of the consequences a major nuclear accident would have on Luxembourg, it’s neighboring countries (Grande-Région) and Europe.
В центре семейной саги — судьба стойкой Крис Гутри, дочери фермера. Рано потеряв мать, юная Крис вынуждена управлять хозяйством под строгим надзором своего деспотичного отца. Встретив любовь, она выйдет замуж, родит сына, но начавшаяся в Европе Первая мировая война принесет ей новые испытания.
In Differdange, in the South of Luxembourg, six unemployed men decide to create the "Dole Club", whose rules forbid its members to work, even in the very unlikely event that they are offered a job. Geronimo, Théid, Frunnes, Sonny Boy, Abbes and Petz all agree to abide by the strict regulations of the club. In accordance with them, they manage to survive. But they can do it only on petty theft and other swindles, which is bound to end badly...