Молодой бармен после драки в заведении находит потерянный посетителем телефон и зачем-то решает посмотреть, что в нем. С этого момента жизнь мужчины круто меняется не в лучшую сторону: на его теле открываются ужасные раны, повсюду носятся толпы тараканов, он получает страшные фотографии и леденящие душу звонки, и, кажется, что парень оказался в центре какого-то жуткого заговора или чьей-то извращенной игры.
Ветеран Крестового похода лорд Робин Локсли возвращается в родной город Ноттингем и видит, что он погряз в коррупции. Робин присоединяется к группе Весёлых Шервудских Разбойников и становится знаменитым благородным вором, продолжая при этом вести светскую жизнь для слежки за ноттингемским шерифом.
Тегеран 80-х после революции, усугубляется конфликт с Ираком. Матери и дочери и так несладко живётся, так ещё и какое-то неведомое зло поселилось в их доме.
Tim has no job, but Tim ‘works’, selling stolen goods... In the face of mounting internal and external pressure, how far will he go to keep his head above water and protect those he loves?
It is 1944 and the D-Day invasion has failed, Germany's army have successfully invaded England and the Nazi war-machine is now heading west towards Wales. A group of women in an isolated Welsh village near the English border wake up to discover all of the their husbands have mysteriously vanished. They have headed into the mountains to join the Resistance.
Gails agoraphobia keeps her inside where she escapes into romance novels. She shares a house with her Nan, recently back from the hospital. Gradually, they both try to reach out to each other to break their isolation. Rob plunges further into his addiction as a way of numbing his heartbreak over the death of his girlfriend. In his stupor, he dreams of embracing her again. Mr & Mrs Gladwin are going through a shift in their 60 year relationship. Years of resentment and unspoken truths have built a barrier between them that Mrs Gladwin, in her abiding love, tries to erode in little gestures.
In a small rural village, a boy and girl have a fight and each storm off their separate ways. The day passes and the boy realises that he shouldn't have a made a big deal out of the argument and tries to get in contact with his girlfriend. He takes his bike and sets out to try and find her before the end of the day.
A group of greenpeace youths board an oil rig thats about to be sunk, planning to prevent it. Once on board they discover that they are not alone, something on board is making people act very strange... and what relationship do the rigs previous occupants have with the occult?