Tihana Lazović

Tihana Lazović

Рождение : 1990-09-25, Zara, Dalmatia, Italy [now Zadar, Croatia]


Tihana Lazović


Forever Hold Your Piece
Two days before the wedding, Dragana decides that she will not marry the weak and predictable Momo. His headstrong father Leso strikes a deal with her – to act as the bride just for the day. But instead of saving the family’s honor, it only starts a traumatic farce for everyone involved.
The Return
Teresa, a mother from the Lazio suburbs, finds herself making an extreme gesture to defend her family from an unscrupulous loan shark. After serving her prison sentence, she must face the return to everyday life.
Павлиний рай
Атмосферная камерная драма о незадавшемся празднике, раскрывающем секреты и оголяющем нервные окончания большого семейного организма.
Алекси, разочаровавшаяся в жизни 28-летняя девушка, игнорирует давящую на неё со всех сторон ответственность и следует в своих порывах за случайными мужчинами.
The Dawn
In a dystopian future, Matja and his family face an unresolved tragedy. Despite losing his faith and struggling to find his true self, the dawn breaks over the valley, revealing that the only way to deal with trauma and evil is to face them head-on.
Summer Fruits
Summer fruits are refreshing but high temperatures can make them go bad.
Последний серб в Хорватии
Хорватия, семь лет спустя после банкротства. В мире идет борьба - вода стала дороже нефти. Чтобы завладеть ею, «сильные мира сего» готовы развязывать войны, завоевывать, уничтожать и даже посеять зомби-вирус. Мико, любитель жить в свое удовольствие из Загреба, чей распорядок дня включает массажные салоны, рестораны и кинотеатры, где он смотрит серию фильмов с участием своей любимой актрисы Франки Анич, совершенно застигнут врасплох зомби-эпидемией. Тем не менее, он смело пускается в Одиссею в сопровождении своей киногероини, преследуя одну в высшей степени недостижимую цель: выжить.
Just Like My Son
Having escaped from Afghanistan when still a child, Ismail now lives in Europe with his brother Hassan. After several disturbing phone calls, Ismail will have to face the destiny of his family, counting the cost of the senselessness of war and the history of his people, the Hazaras.
Over and Over Again
There are reasons for loving you less and paths that always lead back to you.
Tina & Sendy
Two girls meeting at a porn audition, getting infatuated by one another and going through a journey in one day and one night followed by one dominant male figure, whose face we never see, but who plays as the force that separates them. It is a film about friendship and a metaphor for power and dominance that gets in the way of woman who could connect more strongly otherwise. Other than carrying that message, the movie has dark humor, a flashy and at moments uncomfortable atmosphere and a distinctive East European girl aesthetic.
On the Other Side
20 years ago, Vesna moved her family to Zagreb, away from the events that almost destroyed their lives. However, an unexpected call will bring back the memory of a secret that she has been trying to hide all these years.
The High Sun
Jelena / Nataša / Marija
Three different love stories, set in three consecutive decades, in two neighbouring Balkan villages burdened with a long history of inter-ethnic hatred: this is a film about the dangers – and the enduring strength – of forbidden love.
Zagreb Stories 3
(segment "Praznik demokracije")
The third part of "Zagreb Stories" franchise that connects short films about Zagreb into one whole. The plot of six short stories takes place during public holidays.
Can the thread of bad luck, violence and suffering which is braided deeply into the generations of one family be broken? Beba's mother is a woman of poor health and weak character. Beba's father is sullen and violent. Beba's brother is possessive and problematic. Beba's boyfriend is from a correctional institution. Has Beba's daughter any chance to break this vicious circle, has she got any chance to become a beloved, happy person?
Дети священника
Молодой священник дон Фабиян прибывает служить на небольшой островок в Адриатическом море и разрабатывает хитроумный план по улучшению демографической ситуации на острове…