Louis Negin

Louis Negin


Louis Negin


Four Mile Creek
Aurore Cormier was a settler child who died from smallpox at the turn of the 20th century, near what is now known as Thunder Bay. 100 years later, her relatives search for her grave.
A Grief Observed
Louis (voice)
Matthew spends Mother’s Day in his mom’s house slowly deleting her voicemails.
Двадцатый век
Торонто, 1899 год. Тщеславный молодой политик Маккензи Кинг мечтает стать премьер-министром Канады. В стремлении к власти ему суждено будет столкнуться со своей деспотичной матерью, генерал-губернатором, ведущим войну, и утопическим идеализмом распространенных в Квебеке мистических воззрений. Кроме того, Кинг пытается разобраться в любовных отношениях между британским солдатом и франко-канадской медсестрой. Когда его погоня за лидерством заканчивается эпической битвой между добром и злом, герой начинает понимать, что разочарование может быть единственным способом выжить в двадцатом веке.
Cranks is a city symphony focused on several different characters living in the sleepy isolated town of Winnipeg. Formally, the film emulates the aesthetic of a photo album - each new scene a black & white tableau vivant of a new character and setting. Connecting the various characters is the letters they all wrote - very odd ones - to Peter Warren, the radio host of the infamous Action Line program, which was broadcast throughout Canada from 1971-1998. Cranks explores how journalists like Peter Warren, who pioneered an accusatory and belligerent style of reporting, how this angry way of tackling issues has trickled down into our culture, and has impacted and emboldened real lives.
Oh What a Wonderful Feeling
Stars, hide your fires; let not light see my black and deep desires. Nor any truck.
Запретная комната
Marv / Smithy / Mars / Organizer / Mr. Lanyon
Таинственный дровосек появляется на борту подводной лодки, которая несколько месяцев находится под водой в ловушке из-за нестабильного груза. Это событие заставляет команду обреченного судна встретиться с своими самыми потаенными страхами.
Mynarski Death Plummet
A completely hand-made historical micro-epic about the final minutes in the life of Winnipeg's doomed Second World War hero, Andrew Mynarski (1916-1944). Combining wartime aviation melodrama with classical and avant-garde animation techniques (including stop-motion, silhouettes, bleaching, scratching, hand-painting and rubbing letratone patterns directly on the celluloid) Mynarski Death Plummet is a psychedelic photo-chemical war picture on the theme of self-sacrifice, immortality and jellyfish.
Crossing Guard
Lake is in a straight relationship with Desiree but finds himself becoming attracted to men at the pool. When he cannot control his desires any longer, he starts working at an adult home and begins a relationship with a much, much older man.
Calypso / Camille
Gangster and deadbeat dad, Ulysses Pick, embarks on an unusual journey through his home.
How to Take a Bath
Legendary poet John Ashbery scripted this absurdist step-by-step guide to bathing, excerpted from Guy Maddin's feature THE FORBIDDEN ROOM and restored to its original form as a stand-alone film.
Грант, Сидни и Лорэл-Энн работают в городке Понтипул на небольшой радиостанции, которая располагается в подвале старой церкви. Одним ненастным зимним утром на радио начинают поступать обрывки противоречивой информации о странных событиях, которые творятся в городе. То, что сначала выглядело, как уличные беспорядки, на самом деле оказалось эпидемией вируса, превратившего горожан в обезумевшую толпу. И рано или поздно весь этот ужас доберётся и до их уютного подвала…
Send Me to the 'Lectric Chair
A woman sent is sent to an electric chair that reads the images of her mind.
Naked Ghost
A story about an aging crime family patriarch.
Мой Виннипег
Mayor Cornish
Режиссер, Гай Мэддин, снимает фильм про самого себя, Гая Мэддина, снимающего фильм про самого себя, Гая Мэддина. Реальное перемешивается с воображаемым так же тесно, как явь со сном.
Клеймо на мозге
Гай Мэддин приезжает на остров, чтобы выполнить просьбу умирающей матери и покрасить маяк, служивший сиротским приютом. Он вспоминает дни своего детства, когда вместе с сестрой и несколькими сиротами он жил здесь под бдительным надзором своей деспотичной матери, а его отец, ученый и изобретатель, дни и ночи напролет проводил в подземной лаборатории… Однажды родители усыновленных сирот обнаруживают на их головах странные шрамы. Детская писательница Венди приезжает на остров, чтобы выяснить причину загадочных ран. Её тайное расследование открывает ужасающие секреты семьи Гая…
Audition One
Ignorant armies of sketchy people clashing by night.
The electric metre is broken, lets play with the fuses...
Sorrowful Shadow
Widow Paramo has lost her husband in the plague. Their daughter Dolores is considering suicide with El Muerto preparing himself to welcome her into the darkness. Paramo must triumph over Death in the boxing ring if she wishes to save both her husband and daughter.
Sissy-Boy Slap-Party
Sailors in repose on an island paradise seemingly have no worries of war or danger — until a playful gesture is interpreted as an act of wilful aggression. Soon, the innocent act of slight slapping becomes a relentless and unforgiving orgy of open-palmed face-smacking.
Weird Sex and Snowshoes: A Trek Through the Canadian Cinematic Psyche
Self (archive footage)
This compelling documentary explores Canadian film culture and tries to discover what defines Canadian film through interviews with notable filmmakers.
The Saddest Music in the World
Blind Seer
In Depression-era Winnipeg, a legless beer baroness hosts a contest for the saddest music in the world, offering a grand prize of $25,000.
Cowards Bend the Knee
Dr. Fusi
When he takes his girlfriend to a seedy abortion clinic in the back room of a combination hair salon / bordello, Guy Maddin meets the madam’s daughter and falls in love. But she won’t let any man touch her until her father’s murder has been avenged.
Left Behind II: Tribulation Force
Witness Moishe
After millions vanish, a group of people must band together to form the Tribulation Force and prepare themselves for the worst seven years the planet has ever seen.
Он — агент разведки по прозвищу Наблюдатель. Она — Джоанна Эрис подозреваемая в шантаже большого правительственного чиновника. Получив задание следить за ней, Он вдруг понимает, что выполнить его будет нелегко. Эрис — не обычная шантажистка. Эрис — смертельно опасная и загадочная красавица, великолепно владеющая искусством перевоплощения и соблазнения. Неотступно следуя за ускользающей Джоанной, постоянно меняющей свой облик, Наблюдатель чувствует, что скоро будет уже не в силах противостоять магическому притяжению этой женщины, но, словно зачарованный взглядом змеи, движется навстречу своей гибели…
Студия 54
Truman Capote
«Студия 54» была самым популярным клубом Нью-Йорка. Случайно попасть туда было невозможно. Но оказавшись однажды, ты хотел остаться навсегда. Это история о знаменитом вертепе и его людях. О простом парне, чудом оказавшемся здесь. О наркотиках и беспорядочном сексе. О попытках заставить мечты сбыться любой ценой. Об оборотной стороне славы. О любви и разочарованиях. А также о последствиях всего этого.
Love & Murder
A photographer who lives in an apartment building takes sneak photos of women in their apartments. One day he accidentally photographs a murder, and the killer goes after him.
Вещественное доказательство
Jake Farley
Полицейский Джо Пэрис отстранен от службы и отдан под суд — убит один из его злейших врагов, и все подозрения странным образом падают на Джо. Защищать Джо поручено молодой неопытной, но очень привлекательной юристке — Дженни Хадсон. Джо тем временем сам пытается найти убийц…
Вещественное доказательство
Jacob "Jake" Farley
Полицейский Джо Пэрис отстранен от службы и отдан под суд — убит один из его злейших врагов, и все подозрения странным образом падают на Джо. Защищать Джо поручено молодой неопытной, но очень привлекательной юристке — Дженни Хадсон. Джо тем временем сам пытается найти убийц…
City of Shadows
In the same vein as Cain and Abel, here we have two brothers, one a renegade cop and the other a murderer with a taste for little boys. The brothers come to blows, from which only one can walk away.
Charlie Grant's War
Otto Schmidt
A Canadian artist turned diamond merchant in Vienna, Austria risks his life to smuggle Jews out of the Third Reich.
Big Deal
Eugene Leach
Ted is an entrepreneur whose hopes of selling 10,000 automatized ashtrays are scattered away after his buyer died. The story revolves around dozen of people whose lives are intertwined around Ted's Sisyphean attempts to return the money of a loan shark whose services he had to seek for.
Overdrawn at the Memory Bank
Raul Julia plays Aram Fingal, a very intelligent computer programmer and a very bored man in the employ of Novicorp, a mega-corporation that exists somewhere in the future. When caught watching "Casablanca" at his desk, Fingal is required to undergo rehabilitation therapy called "doppling." However, Fingal's body is misplaced and he is transferred into a computer while the body is located
Cook & Peary: The Race to the Pole
Maitre D'
Cook and Peary: The Race to the Pole is an unabashedly biased recreation of the controversy concerning the "conquering" of the North Pole. Robert E. Peary (Rod Steiger), a US Navy commander and shameless self-promoter, sets out through Arctic wastes in 1909 to discover the Pole, an expedition that many others have attempted but failed to complete. His principal rival is Dr. Frederick A. Cook (Richard Chamberlain), who insists that he'd already reached the Pole in 1908. Though the experts (and the US Congress) conclude that Perry was first, public opinion is firmly in Cook's corner--as is this TV movie.
Older Man
A horror film about a screenwriter who loses the ability to distinguish between his fantasy world and the real world, with disastrous consequences. As he ruminates on his place in any world and loses his grip, he also loses his wife and his children's respect, and critics tear him apart. The final undoing of this screenwriter is a deadline that must be met at all costs, costs that perhaps are too great.
A black comedy of violent criminals who terrorize apartment dwellers during New York's 1977 power blackout.
The Italian Machine
This TV play, written and directed David Cronenberg, explores one of his enduring themes: obsessive relationships with technology. A group of bike fanatics determine to get their hands on a Ducati 900 Desmo SuperSport owned by a rich guy, by any means necessary.
Barry McKenzie Holds His Own
Hugo Cretin
Barry McKenzie's Aunt Edna is kidnapped by Count Von Plasma, the vampire head of an isolated Eastern European dictatorship who mistakes her for the Queen of England and thinks that kidnapping her will draw tourists to his country. Barry and his mates set out to rescue her and bring her back to Australia.
A high school teacher separated from his son plots revenge on his ex-wife.
Ooh... You Are Awful
Emilio Ferruchi
Charlie Tully and womanising Reggie Peek con two rich Italians out of £500,000 but during their flight out Charlie is arrested for coning an American and a dog. Reggie stores the money in a Swiss Bank and after Charlie is released is about to tell him which Bank when he is killed by Sid Sabbath's gang whose girlfriend Reggie had an affair with. The only lead is four tattoos that is on the girls Reggie had affairs with while Charlie was in jail. But Sabbath is on Charlie's trail to kill him and the Italians contract the mob - to find the money and then kill him.....
Can Heironymus Merkin Ever Forget Mercy Humppe and Find True Happiness?
Producer Peter
Heironymus Merkin screens an autobiographical movie of his life, growth and moral decay.
The Ernie Game
This fictional feature follows a twenty-something man who is struggling to define his position in the world in early adulthood. He has left their parents' home but still has not made an home of his own. Our protagonist’s alienation is palpable; for him life is a game, not because he chooses to make it so, but because he is unable to make anything more of it. But for those who befriend him and eventually turn him loose again, his game is not enough.