Corsica Wilson

Corsica Wilson


Corsica Wilson


In a future world where memories are handled like computer files, two lovers decide to undergo a procedure and have their entire relationship wiped from their brains.
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Officer Davis
У Алексис восстановился слух в 10-летнем возрасте после жестокого убийства её семьи. Этот опыт пробудил в ней синестетические способности. Она начала познавать себя через исцеляющую музыку насилия. Девушка продолжает экспериментировать и искать новое звучание. Алексис стремится создать шедевр посредством ужасных экспериментов. Она ничему и никому не позволит себя остановить. Даже любви.
Someone Somewhere
Someone Somewhere tells five intertwining stories of hopeful but unsuccessful people in the City of dreams - Los Angeles. What happens when you realize that everything you ever wished for is something you will never have? That maybe you are just not good enough?
Show Yourself
When his friend Paul dies unexpectedly, Travis heads into the woods to say goodbye. As Travis deals with his grief, and the way it has affected the relationships in his life, he starts to realize that he actually might not be alone in the woods. Curiosity turns to horror as Travis comes face-to-face with something both inexplicable and frighteningly familiar.
Супер Такса
Aunt Jenny
Что делать, если так ждал Чемпионата мира среди такс, но не получается участвовать? Правильно: хитрить и проявлять находчивость. Шелли и её команда должны быть там. Но в этот раз участники забегов стали в разы сильнее. Сможет ли Шелли выиграть?
Monster Girls
Leah, a lonely zombie-in-hiding, is forced to rejoin society when she inherits a house from a mysterious relative. Bullied into getting roommates by a suspicious inheritance lawyer, she's joined by Hazel (a gutter punk goblin-in-exile) and Half-Off (a naive alien researching human love) on the path to redemption. Monster Girls takes a darkly comic look at the lives of every modern 20-something; desperate to find identity, acceptance, and a way to resist the urge to kill everyone they meet.
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Завязка сюжета могла прийти в голову только человеку с кинематографическим стажем: Лэйк играет тренера по речи и специалиста по озвучке трейлеров Кэрол. Отец ее героини Сэм Сото — звезда цеха и домашний тиран, отказывающий Кэрол от отчего дома, дабы освободить место для своей 30-летней подружки. Война отцов и детей переносится на оба фронта — личный и профессиональный — когда Кэрол вступает в бой за право озвучивать трейлеры «Амазонских игр».
Santa Monica
A lost soul is confronted by a Christmas that's forgotten how to love. As he wanders through a lonely yuletide landscape, he searches for any trace of holiday magic. The goodness we all believe in. And when he finds it in the kindness of others, he rediscovers his place in the world, and the man he's truly supposed to be.
Drama - High school football hero Jack couldn't care less when unknown classmate Claire was killed by a drunk driver. After her death, clues indicate she may have had a secret crush on him. Jack's newfound interest sparks issues within his own social circle as he uncovers "friends" who had wronged her in the past. His own life and sanity spiral out of control as curiosity turns to obsession. Did Jack play an unwitting role in Claire's death? - Aidan Bristow, Cory Driscoll, Avital Ash
Jesse Sorensen ruled Florida as a pro skateboarder for over a decade. He had it all - a lucrative skateboarding contract, girls, fame and an extravagant lifestyle. Now six years later, past his prime and his usefulness in this youth-driven culture, Jesse is dropped by his skate team. Broke, he moves in with his elderly grandmother only to discover his 17-year old niece, Samantha, crashing there as well. She is following the same slippery slope Jesse once paved, with the hottest new skater in town. Jesse must confront what he has spent his entire life avoiding - responsibility - and figure out his future once and for all.
Climb It, Tarzan!
In the dawn of the sexploitation era, aspiring glamour model Ginger (Jamie Devitt) learns the only available photo assignments are for salacious men's magazines, and that she must risk eviction or must succumb to the sadistic perversions of dominating lesbian photographer Paula (Jennicka Andersson).
Мертвый сезон
Rachel Conrad
Планета Земля снова погружена в хаос и беспорядки, все вокруг кишить живыми мертвецами — зомби. Главные герои фильма «Мертвый сезон» Элвис и Твитер бегут из Америки, в поисках укрытия в других местах. А отправились они на тропический остров, где встречают выжившую группу людей, которые живут по своим правилам и законам. И если Элвис и Твитер хотят сохранить свою жизнь, то им придется весьма не сладко.