Anna Wilson-Jones

Anna Wilson-Jones

Рождение : 1970-10-08, Woking, Surrey, England, UK


Anna Wilson-Jones is an English actress. She has appeared in several television productions.


Anna Wilson-Jones


Zebra Girl
Catherine's seemingly perfect rural life is turned upside down after she discovers her husband is hiding a dark secret that leads her to the unthinkable: murder.
The Bike Thief
Mrs Tedd
To the Rider his moped is everything. As a pizza delivery driver it is his livelihood. As a breadline straddling, immigrant father it is his family’s anchor. It takes his wife to work. It gets his daughter to school. So when one night the moped is stolen, his world collapses. He has to get back his bike – or replace it – in whatever way possible, before his next shifts starts. If he fails, he won’t just lose his job, he will lose it all. He tries to ask the few familiar faces for help in this unfamiliar, disorienting city. However, as he runs out of time and his options are wearing thin, his moral compass begins to crack and he grows more and more willing to forgo his conscience in order to save himself and his family.
Away from Me
Abi and Sarah go to extreme lengths to be together, but in the end, is love enough?
Caitlin is having therapy to cope with the loss of her son but is becoming increasingly more paranoid about those around her. A simple accident leads her to a truth that nothing can prepare her for.
Выкуп – миллиард
Frances Herrick
Группа безрассудных отпрысков миллиардеров проводит время в специальном лагере, расположенном на отдалённом острове. Их родители надеются, что за время пребывания здесь герои научатся нести ответственность за свою жизнь. На территорию острова прибывает команда вооружённых злоумышленников, которые рассчитывают взять потомков мировой элиты в заложники, а затем получить за них миллиард долларов в качестве выкупа. Чтобы попытаться противостоять расчётливым похитителям, молодые люди должны использовать основные навыки выживания в дикой природе.
The Night Watch
Julia Standing
Set against the turbulent backdrop of London in the 1940s, this adaptation of Sarah Waters' bestselling novel, The Night Watch, follows four young Londoners inextricably linked by their wartime experiences. In a time when the barriers of sexual morality and social convention have been broken down, Kay, Helen, Viv and Duncan enjoy a freedom never experienced before. Moving back in time through the 1940s into the maelstrom of the Blitz, the lives, loves and losses of these four central characters are unravelled. For them, the post-war victory is bittersweet, for it returns them to the margins of society, from which they hoped they had been liberated. In order to build their future they must each make peace with their past.
Come Rain Come Shine
David Jason stars as cockney ex-docker Don Mitchell in this emotional drama. Don is incredibly proud of his son David’s affluent lifestyle. The cars, the detached house and private schooling for the children were things Don could only dream about as a young man. His wife Dora, on the other hand, has doubts about her son’s financial affairs. When David’s life starts to unravel under a mountain of debt, family bonds are tested to the limit.
The Time of Your Life
A 35 year old woman, Kate, awakes from an eighteen year coma following a tragic accident to an unfamiliar world. As she tries to make sense of what has happened her family and old school friends are reluctant to dig up the past.
Roman Road
Vince is a writer who suddenly decides to visit his old college friend Matt (who knows more than a bit about map-reading) to join him on an expedition. They both set off to walk the Roman road from Chichester to London, but it doesn't take long for it to become apparent that they're being chased by a mystery man in a fast car. It seems Vince has something in his backpack that someone wants very badly indeed.
55 год до н. э. Разгромив обнаглевших галлов, великий Юлий Цезарь намерен завоевать далекий остров Британия, где мужчины бреют ноги, заплетают косы и носят юбки, а женщины предпочитают сражаться, а не батрачить у очага. Похитив тамошнюю принцессу со странным именем Двайфук, он хочет выведать, где находятся британские порты. Но какое ей дело до географии, когда замуж невтерпеж?! Теперь ее сестрам — незадачливой Вотабатапиг и свирепой Смиргут — придется отправиться в дальний путь. Пережив невероятные приключения и изрядно надоев своим врагам, они станут рабынями и гладиаторшами во власти римского императора, чтобы спасти прекрасную пленницу, а заодно и всю Британию…
История матери
Мэй уже давно живет спокойной жизнью английской бабушки. Но когда во время визита к детям в Лондон умирает ее муж, она осознаёт, что ей необходимы бурные перемены. Поселившись у своей дочери, Мэй знакомится с ее любовником Дарреном, очаровательным и сильным мужчиной, который годится ей в сыновья. Их приятные отношения внезапно перерастают в бурный тайный роман, и теперь даже сама Мэй не может понять, что это для нее — всего лишь попытка спастись от одиночества или этот рискованный шаг — загадочное и манящее начало новой жизни, способное в любой момент обернуться грандиозным скандалом…
Mother (Voice)
In a covert listing station an operative picks up a telephone conversation between someone he suspects is an agent and someone called mother. He follows their communication and intercepts another message about cakes and candles. However has he stumbled upon a plot of major importance or just something innocent?
This ensemble drama details the friendships that grow between survivors of the 1997 Umbria earthquake. The townsfolk—adults, children and foreigners alike—deal with various issues as they try to resume normal lives in a homeless situation.