Krzysztof Zaleski

Krzysztof Zaleski

Рождение : 1948-09-03, Świętochłowice, Poland

Смерть : 2008-10-20


Krzysztof Zaleski


Two friends recall the PRL. After serving time in jail, they took up an illegal currency exchange. Cheated by partner - they decide to take revenge. Preparations take many months, but the action ends differently than it was planned.
Private Town
Małe prowincjonalne miasteczko koło Warszawy rządzone jest przez lokalną mafię. Brutalne napady, zuchwałe kradzieże są na porządku dziennym. Trwa walka między Pawlikiem i Alim o szefostwo. Kto jest na czyich usługach i kto dyktuje reguły gry?
sierżant Waldemar Kufel
Do jednostki wojskowej przyjeżdżają nowi poborowi. Starsi koledzy ostrzegają ich przed Tygrysem, byłym kryminalistą, faktycznym władcą kompanii, słynącym z bezwzględności i sadyzmu. Co gorsza jest on w praktyce bezkrany, gdyż przełożeni chociaż wiedzą o jego wybrykach, nie reagują. Już pierwsze dni służby wystawiają cierpliwość świeżo upieczonych "kotów" na ciężką próbę. Grupka starszych żołnierzy, czekających na przejście do rezerwy bije, upokarza i demoluje dobytek poborowych. Ich okrucieństwu i złośliwości najodważniej próbuje przeciwstawić się niejaki Kowalski.
Czarne Slońca
Multiple recidivist Tadeusz Wilk out of jail thanks to an amnesty. He has no idea where to go and what to do with themselves. Post lays down back behind bars.Wolf meets Celine and tells the woman that she is his mother. Mysterious, strangely behaving stranger arouses more and more anxious new parents
Eminent Domain
Colonel Holz
A high-ranking Polish politburo member is banished from the party, and must find out why. Set in 1979 Poland before the Solidarity events.
Life for Life: Maximilian Kolbe
Wiesław Olszański
The story of catholic saint Maximilian Kolbe (1894-1941), who volunteered to die in place of a stranger in the Nazi concentration camp of Auschwitz.
Roman, mąż Anki
Хитрый мошенник ведет преступную деятельность, используя при этом наивность людей. Ему легко удаётся выманить от легковерных лиц любое количество денег. Выдавая себя за Яцка Бен Зильберштейна, открывает фиктивное австрийское консульство во Вроцлаве. Но и этого ему было мало, у безнаказанного мошенника все растет аппетит на получение всё больших прибылей… Фильм был награжден на кинофестивале в Сан-Себастьяне в 1989 году.
Piłkarski poker
A comical behind the scenes look at the Polish Football League where everybody involved including the clubs’ management, players, and referees are trying to get some.
Citizen Piszczyk
Kapitan UB
This film is a sequel to Munk's Zezowate Szczescie and it's much the same, only more so. The film begins in a cinema, where the last scenes of Zezowate Szczescie are being shown. Born unlucky, a victim of the errors and distortions of Stalinism, he is released in 1956. He meets a politically feverish woman, her influential parents, and finally becomes the father of her child. But bad luck, or perhaps an unlucky era, will not let him forget.
Kill Me, Cop
A Polish thriller. Central story is a duel between criminal-on- the-run (Linda) and the cop (Machalica) who put him behind the bars the first time around.
A Woman Alone
Dróżnik Marolewski
Irena, a postal delivery worker, is struggling with inadequate housing, a drunk neighbor who wants to take her place, and a heartless boss, knowing that the whole day at work, she is leaving her young son. But the worst is the loneliness, exacerbated by her single mother status. She meets a crippled pensioner Jacek, who appears to be the key to her happiness, but tragedy continues to strike.
Buzek Mężczyzna na lotnisku (uncredited)
Молодой человек Витек пытается найти себя — то заключает сделку с госбезопасностью, то вливается в студенческое движение, то погружается в религию. Символом его метаний становится поезд, на который он все время опаздывает. На эту политическую канву накладывается его любовные искания. Он безрезультатно ищет свою любовь и сам не замечает, как предает любимых женщин.
The Mother of the Kings
Roman Król
Made in 1982, shelved for five years. Story opens with Lucja Krol's husband under the tram. She gives birth to her fourth son on the floor of their new apartment. Neighbor Wiktor, a communist intellectual, befriends the poverty-stricken family but is soon arrested and sent to jail. During the war Lucja narrowly escapes a Nazi roundup at the black market. Her sons hold ardent Communist meetings in their apartment, with her blessing. Lucja works hard, but without complaint. After the war, Klemens is inexplicably arrested, accused by the new regime of being a collaborator. Wiktor, now a high-ranking party member, trying to defend him, himself falls into disgrace. Klemens is tortured to "confess" and dies in jail, a Communist to the end. Lucja is never told about his fate.
My Mother's Lovers
Mr. Witek
Rafal takes care of his dysfunctional carefree mother who is more interested in men, pills and alcohol than in the problems of her young yet very mature son.
In 1969 a young writer decides to write an essay on a well known Polish writer, who had to leave the country in the 50's, later living, working and dying in exile. He slowly assembles the character and even the exterior appearances of his idol until his own identity tragically disappears.
Боденское озеро
Harry Markowski
В центре сюжета ряд встреч поляков, которые когда-то были заключенными в концлагере на берегу озера недалеко от немецко-швейцарской границы. Один из выживших в концлагере возвращается на это место и вспоминает свое прошлое и это время в истории.
Marek Ruda
Childish Questions
A young architect is locked up in prison. He recalls his uncompromising youth and gradual sliding into the moral swamp of compromises. He was not alone. A group of his friends, dreamers and glass house builders, accompanied him.
The film is set in 1905, in a time of feverish revolutionary underground activity in Poland partitioned between three neighbours. All the characters are committed anarchists. The bomb maker puts an invention together to place it at the disposal of young inexperienced terrorists fighting against Tsarist oppression. The story follows the passing of this bomb from anarchist to anarchist as several attempts are made on the life of Tsarist governor general, until, at the end, it is effectively and harmlessly defused by a bomb expert. The presence of the bomb has a destroying effect on all of the Polish revolutionaries, they either die or breakdown.
Человек из железа
funkcjonariusz więzienny
Варшава 1980-х годов. Коммунистическая партия отправляет журналиста Винкеля провести грязную кампанию против бастующих работников в Гданьске. Главной целью Винкеля становится активист Томчик…
Krzysztof Janota
Jerzy Stuhr plays a high school teacher with a sensitive outlook on life and a soft spot for students who like art and literature as passionately as he does. His adversary is a possessed sports instructor, gaining growing control over the students and authorities. His methods are questionable and his influence dangerous, but the handball team's prospects look good and the school needs success...
Józef Moneta
The story begins in March of 1968, the days of students protests. A hot- headed student protests the Dean's decision to expell a fellow student on fake accusation charges, upon which he drops out of university rather than make a compromise. He loses everything in the process: his girlfriend, housing privileges - he becomes a coal deliverer. On the job he witnesses an accident that causes death of a fellow worker. He decides to write a story, which is good and a publishing house wants to print it, but only after some corrections are made. He refuses again and the story is not printed. Finally, a story is commercialized and made into a succesful film and brings fame to the original author.