Damion Lee


Such a Funny Life
Uncle Domino
A troubled family moves to New York.
Прогулка среди могил
Baller #1
Фильм повествует о похищении жены героинового короля, тело которой преступники начинают возвращать по частям.
One afternoon Dan is brutally jumped and accosted by a Gang in his neighborhood. Angel, the leader of Dans crew demands that he murder his punisher and thus earn his official "membership" into the crew: a teardrop tattoo under his eye.
Sam and his best friend realize that the games they play every day in their neighborhood suddenly turn dangerous.
A coming of age story about five teenagers growing up in Harlem New York in the 1980's. It is the beginning of a new generation of kids called the "hip hop" generation, which unfortunately was growing up alongside the "crack cocaine" generation. Karon falls into a deep sleep after his graduation in 1985. Having dreams within dreams takes him into a realistic drama along with his potential future in the 1990's as a drug selling youth. His fast money attitude serves as the detriment to the community and ultimately his best friends become caught in the crossfire of his illicit activity. He awakens back in 1985, realizing the "easy way out" that was offered wasn't a glorious new beginning, it was the end.
Knock Knock
Knock Knock is a horror film that combines fear with revenge, hate with justice and responsibility with sacrifice. The bible says an "Eye for an Eye." Rico was just a big fun loving son of a hard working neighborhood business man. The problem is his dad is an undertaker. Some popular high school Students thought he was weird because of it. Rico kept to himself...
Найти Форрестера
Писатель Уильям Форрестер долгие годы прожил в добровольном затворничестве от мира. Последний раз о нем слышали сорок лет назад, когда он выпустил в свет превосходный роман, завоевавший Пулитцеровскую премию. Но с тех пор никому не удалось переступить за порог дома этого отшельника. Однако 16-летнему парнишке по имени Джамал Уоллес удается проникнуть в жилище живой легенды и разговорить нелюдимого старца. И это случайная встреча оказывается судьбоносной. Благодаря ей ушедший в себя Форрестер снова обретает вкус к жизни за пределами своей «башни из слоновой кости». А Джамал, талантливый баскетболист, которому светит блестящая спортивная карьера, открывает, что его истинное призвание — литературное творчество…