Key Animation
Hiwa Natsunagi is a high school student living in Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture. Worried about what to do with her life after graduation, she spots a poster for Spa Resort Hawaiians the “Hawaii of Tohoku” the place where her sister Mari used to work and applies to their new dancer (hula girl) campaign on a whim.
Despite her lack of experience, Hiwa is accepted for the job, and starts on the path towards becoming a Hula Girl with her classmates, Kanna, Ranko, 'ohana and Shion. However, unable to keep in step with one another due to their differing personalities, their first stage ends in disaster. Called the “most pitiful rookies ever” the girls are disheartened, but they learn to share the good and bad...and strengthen their bond despite the occasional fumble.
With their hearts and minds firmly set, the girls grace the stage once more.
Key Animation
Под землёй, на территории Алмазного Царства, где обитает множество Покемонов по имени Карбинк, мифический Покемон Дианси служит в качестве правителя. Алмазное Сердце, которое поддерживает землю начинает разваливаться, и Дианси не хватает сил, чтобы создать новый. В надежде помощи от легендарного Покемона Зирнис, по пути Дианси сталкивается с группой воров, которые хотят завладеть её властью, чтобы она им создавала алмазы. Сможет ли наш главный герой Эш Кетчум и его друзья помочь Дианси раскрыть свою истинную силу, остановить Ивелтала и спасти Алмазное Царство?
Key Animation
A group of five Genesect have invaded the big city and pose a threat to the supply of electricity, which attracts the attention of the legendary Pokémon Mewtwo. Satoshi, Pikachu and his friends must come to the rescue when the powerful leader, a red Genesect, faces Mewtwo.