Little Tony does not have a father, but her mother is just an obstacle. The child often stays outside the locked door while the mother has fun with another guest. Tony wanders in the streets or walks to Pipe doll artist's studio. Here the girl is immersed in a fairy-tale world, very different from the one around her. But Fipo has his own life and problems. Tony is not mad at her mother, loves her and wants to live with her. But for neighboring children, Tony is a bad example. Their parents are doing their best to put her in a boarding school without being interested in her opinion. Is this better for the little girl?
A-5-year-old boy of divorced parents is sitting all day long at home, watching TV. His mother is full-timer, and the father visits him just occasionally. The only dream of the boy is to have a puppy. So, he and three friends of his decide to buy a pup. No sooner said than done. The kids are ready to do everything for their pet, but the heartlessness and lack of understanding of the part of their relatives and neighbors bereaves them of such of joy. The puppy is destined for a village, and the kid is once again all alone at home, watching TV.
Three novels deal with the mentality of the children, their agitations, and the merry and sad things in their everyday life. The movie is created with a lot of humor, cheerfulness, and great love for the kids.
Professor Dimov is a diplomat who has been recruited as a spy by a foreign intelligence service. The suspicions fall on Dr. Belcheva. Major Kalinov is entrusted with the investigation of the case. He learns that she is Dimov's mistress. Paris, France. Dimov and Belcheva go out leaving a bag with secret documents in Belcheva's hotel room. Kalinov manages to retrieve the documents. After this incident Belcheva dies in hospital from poisoning. On board the plane Kalinov exposes the professor as a spy. Bulgarian counterintelligence officers arrest him.
Во время летних каникул мальчики-школьники решили построить корабль. От всех они скрывают свой замысел, и только их друг, молодой рабочий «дядя Дима», получивший от своих друзей моряков необходимые чертежи, помогает ребятам. Случайно тайна ребят становится известна девочкам. Боясь разглашения тайны, девочек принимают юнгами. Однажды между мальчиками происходит ссора и капитан ударяет Петю. За нарушение устава и отказ просить у Пети извинения капитан исключен из состава команды. Оставшись один, капитан понимает, что был неправ. Он идёт к ребятам с повинной. Происходит примирение. А когда корабль спущен на воду, ребята отправляются в свой первый рейс.