Jorge Booth

Jorge Booth


Jorge Booth


Агнцы Божьи
Лишь несколько священников и интернов остаются в уединенной религиозной школе-интернате для мальчиков в Северной Аргентине в 1961 году. Приезжает отец Мартин, намерения которого не так ясны, как он утверждает.
My Mother Is a Parrot
Juana, an eleven-year-old girl, comes from a very special family - they have the ability to transform into animals, although she doesn't know it yet. She discovers the truth the day her mother transforms into a parrot. Juana has three days to return her mother to human form otherwise she will stay a parrot forever.
Dr. Velazquez
Pájaros negros
A stranger invades the family life of Victor. It seems that he has a hidden secret with Victor's wife, which involves their daughter. He wants to protect his family, and he is ready to face all the consequences to stop the threat.
Они вернулись
Inspector Cohen
После долгого отсутствия в маленький аргентинский городок неожиданно возвращаются трое исчезнувших детей. Но это не приносит счастья жителям этого городка, наоборот в ранее спокойном городке начинают происходить страшные и странные вещи. Волна насилия и убийств накрывает город. В чем же дело, и как избежать новых жертв? Жителям городка предстоит пережить сложное и кошмарное время...
Coroner (voice)
Víctor Terx is a young, attractive, and mysterious man, preacher and leader of a spiritualist sect. He compulsively murders his occasional partners with cruelty. Ámbar Atlas is a young stripper at a brothelly nightclub, her beauty is unconventional and her sexuality exultant and perturbing. Christlike, she uses sex as a vehicule to her own destruction due to her inevitable death drive. Ámbar and Víctor will fall in love viscerally and passionately while they become aware of the proximity of an ineluctable danger that preys on them both. Together they will tortuously travel an esoteric underworld of mediums, witches and false shamans in the search for Ámbar's miraculous "cure".
The Game
A group of armed men are wandering in the jungle, tracking themselves one another. Some move in pairs, some alone, some wear military uniforms and some don't. Like in any sort of game, rivalries and internal conflicts will not take long to emerge, drawing a line between the strong and the weak.
И наступит тьма
Действие фильма разворачивается в Аргентине. Две американские девушки путешествуют на велосипедах по отдаленным территориям страны. Когда одна из них исчезает, у второй остается совсем немного времени до наступления темноты, чтобы найти ее. Ночные кошмары не заставят себя ждать.
Дитя рыбы
История любви двух девушек. Лала живет в одном из эксклюзивных жилых районов Буэнос-Айреса, Айлин — горничная. Их мечта — жить вдвоем в тихом местечке на берегу озера. Но убийство отца Лалы все меняет.
The Paranoids
Luciano works in birthday parties and writes his first feature when friend Manuel returns from Spain to repeat his TV show, "The Paranoids", together with his girl Sofia. Manuel is everything he is not and his trying to be helpful in his career and with women, only worsens the conflict. When Manuel leaves Sofia with Luciano for two days, she is seduced by the qualities Manuel rejects in his friend as weaknesses. Sofia changes. Luciano also, but only at the last moment he can overcome the fears he has been cultivating his whole life.