Tricia George

Tricia George

Рождение : , Dartford, Kent, England, UK


Tricia George


Boys On Film 19: No Ordinary Boy
Belinda (segment "Jermaine & Elsie")
As Boys On Film reaches the end of its teenage years, we take a look at those unique boys who go one step further, who excite, invigorate, and always impress, who break boundaries, shape their worlds and are more than what they appear. Volume 19: No Ordinary Boy includes ten complete films: Scott T. Hinson's "Michael Joseph Jason John" also starring Eric Robledo… Abhishek Verma's animated "The Fish Curry"… Dean Loxton's "Meatoo" starring Calum Speed and Warren Rusher… Amrou Al-Kadhi's "Run(a)way Arab" also starring Ahd and Omar Labek… Jannik Splidsboel's "Between Here & Now" starring Francesco Martino and Peder Bille… Jake Graf's "Dusk" starring Elliott Sailors, Sue Moore, and Duncan James… Ben Allen's "Blood Out Of A Stone" starring Alex Austin and Oisín Stack… David Färdmar's "No More We" starring Jonathan Andersson and Björn Elgerd… Leon Lopez's "Jermaine & Elsie" starring Marji Campi and Ashley Campbell… and Marco Alessi's "Four Quartets" with Laurie Kynaston.
Jermaine & Elsie
Elsie is a fiercely independent, equally opinionated pensioner with a drink problem and reliant on daily help including Jermaine, a black, sexually ambiguous carer. Initially, their relationships is combative but he wins her over with his non-conventional ways. When Jermaine disappears without a word, Elsie is determined to find out what happened to him.
Hey, Mr. Producer! The Musical World of Cameron Mackintosh
'Hey, Mr Producer!' features selected scenes from the productions of the world's most successful musical producer, Cameron Mackintosh - classic songs from classic musicals performed by the ultimate cast.
Caught in the Act
Mario's Mother
Lucinda goes on a trip away with her two friends Katherine and Amanda and convinces them to join her on form a variety act in order to impress her childhood crush Neville, a talent agent holding a gala night.
Wife Begins at 40
George and Linda Harper's 17 year marriage has gone stale, but George doesn't seem to be aware of it. When confronted with the problem, he gets a vasectomy, which solves nothing, so he moves out. Linda rearranges her life by enrolling in self improvement courses. Trying for an amicable divorce, they agree to use one lawyer and hire their closest friend. When this backfires, George attempts reconciliation by trying to seduce Linda on their living room couch. George botches the seduction due to the pressure of trying to perform well and due to the unexpected return of their son from a date. But it does result in their realizing they still care about each other...and that marriages need working at, need to be renewed and renegotiated from time to time and that their's is certainly worth a second chance. Based on the hit West End play.
On the Black Hill
Joy Lambert
The story covers eighty years in the lives of a pair of Welsh identical twins with an unusual bond, as they go through war, love affairs, and land disputes.
В 1905 году, после 10 лет миссионерской деятельности в Африке, преподобный Чарльз Фортескью отозван в Англию, где епископ дает ему новое назначение — наставлять проституток Лондона на путь истинный и найти на это дело деньги. Чарльз надеется, что Дебора, его невеста, будет возражать и даст ему этим основания для отказа епископу. Однако у Деборы такой незамутненный и невинный ум, что она совершенно не в состоянии понять суть его новой работы и убеждает его приложить все усилия. Богатая леди Эймс готова финансировать новую миссию, но однажды она дает понять Чарльзу, что никакого вклада не будет, если он не разделит с ней постель…
Under the Skin
"When you get to a man in the case, they're like as a row of pins - For the colonel's lady an' Judy O'Grady are sisters under their skins." - Kipling. Polly writes for a magazine producing glamorous makeovers for young women. Befriending a member of the women's movement prompts her to re-examine her own feminist values.
The Knowledge
Lady in Kitchen
Four men attempt "The Knowledge" examination to qualify as London taxi drivers.
Рождественский гимн
Little Blonde
«Если бы я мог исполнить своё желание, каждый идиот, у которого с губ сходит слово - «Счастливого Рождества!», то он был бы сварен в своём собственном пудинге и похоронен с осиновым колом в сердце». Так говорил бессмертные слова о Рождестве, «самый известный скряга» Чарльза Дикеннса - Эбенезер Скрудж. Вместо того чтобы присоединиться к празднованию; он сидит один в канун Рождества. Декорированная сцена с посещением призрака его покойного делового партнёра Марли, который теперь привязан к земле вечными цепями и его знакомством с Призраками прошлого, настоящего и будущего Рождества. Ибо именно они проведут его через всю его жизнь, чтобы узнать правду о себе...