Jean-Luc Audy

Рождение : 1966-05-11,


Little Ones
Camille a 16 years old pregnant girl was placed in a maternal center by the Judge. She became friends with Alison, an immature young mother, and fought against the authority of Nadine, an educator as passionate as she was disillusioned.
Angry Annie
Annie becomes pregnant. Since she doesn't want to keep the child, she meets a movement that performs illegal abortions. But, in the seventies, Annie will encounter allies and opponents along the way.
Джейн глазами Шарлотты
Дебютная картина обладательницы приза Каннского кинофестиваля, звезды фильмов Ларса фон Триера — Шарлотты Генсбур. Актриса родилась в семье знаменитых родителей, актрисы Джейн Биркин и поэта, певца и композитора Сержа Генсбура. Через призму объектива, в первую очередь для себя, она пытается понять, что таит в себе ее мама...
Bigger Than Us
For six years, Melati, 18, has been fighting the plastic pollution that is ravaging her country, Indonesia. Like her, a generation is rising up to fix the world. Everywhere, teenagers and young adults are fighting for human rights, the climate, freedom of expression, social justice, access to education or food. Dignity. Alone against all odds, sometimes risking their lives and safety, they protect, denounce and care for others. The earth. And they change everything. Melati goes to meet them across the globe. At a time when everything seems to be or has been falling apart, these young people show us how to live. And what it means to be in the world today.
Хороший доктор
У дежурного врача прихватило поясницу. Чтобы не оставлять пациентов без внимания накануне праздников и уберечь себя от увольнения, он уговорил простого курьера ходить на вызовы.
Дом вверх дном
Антуан — убеждённый холостяк, соблазнитель и любитель вечеринок. Он живёт в роскошных парижских апартаментах со своим приятелем Томасом. Когда Томас переезжает в Лос-Анджелес, он находит Антуану нового сожителя на замену: «Жанна, рост 170 см, голубые глаза». Описание внешности выглядит весьма соблазнительным, вот только Антуан никак не мог предположить, что обаятельная Жанна приедет не одна. С ней окажутся восьмилетний Тео и пятилетняя Лу. Вовсе не собиравшемуся становиться отцом Антуану придётся испытать на себе все «прелести» семейной жизни…
Любовь и дружба
Сюзен Вернон — 35-летняя вдова, которая пытается устроиться в жизни, цепляясь за разных мужчин. После того, как родовое поместье ее умершего мужа продается за долги, она уезжает в провинцию к его родственникам, надеясь найти выход из сложившейся ситуации.
Comment c'est loin
After ten years of doing nothing, Orel and Gringe are in their mid 30s and they struggle to finish their first rap album. Their texts are mostly sex jokes and booze stories and reflect the everyday life they have in a small town from France. The problem is that they never really finished a song and when their producers want to meet, they have to face a new challenge : finish their first song in the next 24h. Their old issues, the fear of failure, their alcoholic friends and annoying girlfriends won't help them to do so, or will they ?
Underground Time
Sound Mixer
After eight years of close collaboration with her supervisor, Mathilde suddenly finds herself inexplicably victim of moral harassment by him. In parallel, Thibault has just split up with his girlfriend after a frustrating two-year relationship where they exchanged very little. Mathilde and Thibault have never met, they are just two figures among millions of others. Two people who may bump into each other or who may merely pass each other by. But one day in September, their paths meet.
События разворачиваются в таинственной школе, расположенной за глухим забором посреди дивной красоты изумрудно-зелёного леса. Здесь, в уютных домиках, живут маленькие девочки, одетые в одинаковые белые одежды, отличаясь друг от друга только цветом вплетённых в косы шелковых лент: чем старше возраст — тем темнее лента. Каждое утро, взявшись за руки, девочки отправляются в учебный корпус, где их ждут благожелательные преподавательницы. Стройная мадемуазель Ева преподает хореографию и учит танцам, хромая мадемуазель Эдит рассказывает своим подопечным о природе окружающего мира, раскрывая ученицам тайны их будущих превращений. Пененесённый на экран символизм новеллы Ведекинга состоит в проводимой здесь параллели между происходящим в природе перерождением неуклюжей гусеницы в изящную бабочку, и воспитательным процессом этой уникальной школы, где из угловатых девочек растят… Впрочем, кого воспитывают из этих девочек — судить всем и каждому, кто решит уделить внимание просмотру этой картины.
Where Is Madame Catherine?
The life in a Catalan (Southern France) village near the border may be quite boring. A young man who is escaping from his homeland is seeking for something and may find it in this weird place. You see the relationship between the people in the village, their dreams, their past and their perspectives in life. The foreigner is hosted there and is messed in the deep whereabouts of these people and tries somehow to fit in.
The Vanishing Lion
An adventure of three characters: Clarisse, a psychic’s apprentice, Lazare, who works at the Parisian catacombs, and the bronze statue of a lion at the Denfert-Rochereau (in the 14th arrondissement). Clarisse and Laraze meet daily, but one day Lazare disappears and the lion disappears as well!
Antonio is a man born with unusually large incisors; his freakishly huge teeth made him an outcast as a child and as man he has become obsessive and controlling in his relationships with women. Convinced that his girlfriend cheated on him (with her dentist, ça va sans dire), Antonio insults her in a fit of anger and in the fight she breaks off one of his teeth. Antonio now must travel across the country, going from dentist to dentist in search of someone who can make a crown that will suit his extra-large smile.
Louise (Take 2)
Sound Engineer
The central role of Louise is portrayed by Elodie Bouchez, who won a 1998 Cannes "Best Actress" award for The Dreamlife of Angels. When Louise has an encounter with homeless Remi (Roschdy Zem), they have a magnetic attraction, but she is already attached to illiterate shoplifter and pickpocket punk Yaya (Gerald Thomassin). Although allied with Yaya in petty crimes, Louise lives with her widowed father (Lou Castel), a devoted writer of fiction. After a Metro bum (Bruce Myers) tells her of his desire to see his young son, she plucks the kid, Gaby (Antoine de Merle), right out of school, making him the newest rookie recruited into their subway gang. Shoplifting in a department store, the young toughs escape the store's security guards by hiding in the ballet rehearsal rooms of the nearby opera. But does Louise really belong with the subway toughs, or is she just pretending? When she's arrested, Louise is forced to reexamine her lifestyle.
Leather-clad men and women lounge around a large room as a minotaur enters and proceeds to sodomize a willing and eager young woman.
The Telegraph Route
This French film chronicles the amazing-but-true story of Lisa Alling who in 1928 successfully walked from New York City to Siberia via the Bering Straight by following telegraph poles. It was shot entirely in the Ukraine. Lisa, a chambermaid, has had enough of American life and wants go home to Siberia. Because she had no money, she decided it was better to walk than stay in the U.S. any longer. An opportunist, she takes whatever food, warmth and even romance that is offered along the way.
Attendre le navire
The journey on the edge of an ocean of a poet, two terrorists, a film-maker, a reporter and two lovers, in search of a ship leaving for Nowhere. A ship like hope for all those who wait: the misguided, the misaligned, the displaced, the exiles that we are at certain times, that we are one day or another, a little earlier, a little later.