Papil Panduru

Papil Panduru

Рождение : 1934-10-13, Menții din Dos, comuna Borăscu, Gorj, România

Смерть : 2021-10-26


Papil Panduru


The Anniversary
Mr. Bobeică
At Radu Maligan's 94th anniversary the family members and the former colleagues of the old man come to his birthday party. Everything gets complicated when half of the guests try to convince Radu to confess his sins to a priest, while the others think that no one should be forced to do something beyond their will.
The Blind Squad
Matthew is a 23 years old young man who likes to spend his time doing nothing else than sleeping. He has no purpose in life, being a complete ignorant to everything around him. He lives with his mother, who tries her best to persuade him to get a job and make something of his life. After one fight, he finally decides to take the interview at the military unit his mother has arranged for him.
The Firemen's Choir
The Man of the Day
Terente: The King of Swamps
Don Bosman
The story takes place early in the 20th century in Eastern Romania, where a famous outlaw lived kind of a Clyde with many Bonnies legend in the landscape of the Danube Delta.
Pepe and Fifi
The grim realities of daily life in post-Communist Romania are described in this dark drama, which was filmed on-location in the poorer areas of Bucharest. Pepe & Fifi are brother and sister. Pepe is a struggling boxer, and Fifi is a barfly addicted to Bucharest's sleazy night life. This movie chronicles their daily lives while commenting upon the political and economic situation in Romania.
Фильм описывает положение в Румынии в конце Второй мировой войны, обращаясь к одной из самых драматических и спорных тем в современной истории Румынии - перевороту 23 августа 1944 г. В фильме затронуты и период мятежа легионеров 1941 года, отречение короля Михая, правление, арест и казнь маршала Антонеску, установление правительства Петру Гроза, смерть Маниу и казнь Пэтрэшкану. Большая часть эпизодов основаны на исторических документах того времени.
Casa din vis
Popa Răgălie
Căpălău, a peasant in a village near Brăila, tries to keep up with the turns of life. Based on "Ningea în Bărăgan” novel by Fănuș Neagu.
Undeva în Est
Proud Heritage
After 1394 King Mircea the Elder, ruler of Wallachia, ponders the eventual consequences of a military alliance with the Poles versus one with the Turks.
Missing Witnesses
At the end of XIX century, Romania, A boyar tries to send a trunk full of jewels to his daughter abroad. Only that the trunk doesn't make the trip, so the daughter comes in the country to recover it, enlisting the help of some outlaws.
События происходят в 1898 году в Северной Америке. Охотник Том Аткинс возвращается в места своей молодости, чтобы провести здесь оставшиеся годы. Но в горной долине поселилось небольшое племя индейцев, тщательно скрывающее свое пристанище от белых людей. Вождь племени предлагает Аткинсу остаться с ними. Тот принимает предложение. Однажды в уединенное поселение проникает геолог Моррис. Неподалеку от этих мест он обнаруживает богатейшие залежи меди. Моррис уговаривает Аткинса стать его компаньоном. Но тот не может предать поверивших ему индейцев. Моррис покидает долину один. Когда он вернется сюда с вооруженным отрядом, Аткинс с ружьем в руках преградит им путь.
Lișcă is a woman who awaits the return of her husband from war, only he is long overdue. Many callers come, yet she holds on to the hope her husband will return.
Return from Hell
Two men depend on each other for survival in the first world war, but something in their past might prevent them to get along. Will they be able to put everything aside in order to survive?
Why Are the Bells Ringing, Mitica?
Based on a theatrical text by Romanian writer Ion Luca Caragiale (1852-1912), who was a bitter and funny witness of the turn-of-the-20th-century Romanian bourgeois mores, Carnival Scenes manages to preserve and further enhance the slightly hysteric atmosphere of his plays. Pintilie creates a strange combination of carnival scenes which is brought to the screen as a burlesque, fast-paced, screwball comedy with a meditative undertone. This film was banned in Romania for a decade until the death of Ceausescu in 1989 and was only released after the 1989 revolution.
Ana and the Thief
A young man is freed from prison. The communists are reforming him.
Трансильванцы на Диком Западе
The Moment
This movie is about a person that was convicted in the 50s by the stalinist policy of the times, then released and re-educated at the workplace in 65, as the policy changed.
Taste and Color of Happiness
A nonconformist engineer challenges some stereotypical negative communist characters.
The Mace with Three Seals
At the end of the 16th century, Wallachia's ruler Michael the Brave dreams of uniting the kingdoms of Wallachia,Transylvania and Moldavia into a single country known as The United Principalities.
Михай Храбрый
Фильм рассказывает о великом сыне румынского народа Михае Храбром, который впервые объединил румынские земли (Валахию, Трансильванию и Молдову) под одним флагом.
The Revenge of the Outlaws
Second of 2 films set during the 18th century in the mountains of Wallachia, about a band of outlaws aiming to undermine the rule of the Phanariots and the Ottomans. The story evolves around the two stepbrothers who lead this band, Sarbu and Amza, with their complex and violent relationship.
The Kidnapping of the Maidens
In 19th century Wallachia war-bands of Ottoman Turks from across the Danube river raid Wallachia with impunity while Wallachia's Phanariote rulers don't oppose them.
Начало нашей эры. Рим расширяет свои владения. Государство даков, расположенное на склонах гор вдоль Дуная, — новая цель Империи. Перед императором Домицианом стоит задача — превратить Дакию в провинцию Рима. Храбрый и мужественный народ во главе с царем даков Децебалом готов умереть за свою родину и свободу, не приняв условий захватчиков. Штурм и взятие крепости с непокорными «варварами» дорого обойдутся оккупантам, но последняя битва еще впереди…