Tommy Johnson

Tommy Johnson

Рождение : 1931-12-05, Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sweden

Смерть : 2005-07-17


Tommy Johnson was a Swedish stage, film and television actor.


Tommy Johnson


Pippi Långstrump - Resan till Nordpolen
Pippi Långstrump - Resan till Nordpolen
Pippi Långstrump - Resan till Nordpolen
Снова голый
Stig Karlsson
Шалопай и раздолбай Андерс собирается жениться. Но утром в день свадьбы он просыпается голым в лифте незнакомого дома. Андерс не может вспомнить, как туда попал, у него нет ни одежды, ни денег. Зато есть презерватив, торчащий из задницы, дикая головная боль и отчаянное желание попасть в туалет. До венчания остается всего два часа, но никто не хочет помочь голому человеку. Пока Андерс пытается найти хоть какую-нибудь одежду и выяснить, что произошло ночью, свадьба срывается… А на следующее утро он снова просыпается в незнакомом лифте, абсолютно голый, все с тем же презервативом все в том же месте…
Петтсон и Финдус - Котонафт
The Tiger Istvan (voice)
Петтсон — житель сельской глубинки, он практически ни с кем не общается, поэтому его считают странным человеком. И только его темпераментный кот Финдус знает, что его хозяин — настоящий добряк. Верные друзья во всех делах и приключениях всегда готовы помочь друг другу.
verkstadsarbetare Isacson
A gunman has taken residency on an uninhabited island and a local man has to deescalate the situation without getting the police involved.
Hardware store proprietor
Sture is a rich alcoholic who has taken a trip to Mallorca to drink himself to death. But he meets Sylvia and they start a relationship. Sture moves in with her in a middle-class community. Sylvia has an eighteen year old daughter, Eva. She gets murdered on the night between Midsummer eve and Midsummer day, and to the police the primary suspect is Sture, who was so intoxicated that he can not say what he was doing during the night.
Murder at the Savoy
Bertil Svensson
A famous industrialist is murdered at a restaurant in Malmoe. Police inspector Martin Beck in Stockholm gets the case. The suspects lead to people involved in illegal arms deals. But who was the biggest criminal, the murderer or the industrialist?
Hassel 05 - Terrorns Finger
Bo Sturesson, "Texas"
The kidnapping of a DA's wife, the murder of several minor criminals and the police finding a large stash of weapons is all in a day's work for criminal detective Roland Hassel.
Silent about two clumsy glaziers.
The Man from Majorca
In the aftermath of a daring post office robbery on Saint Lucy’s Day, two Stockholm vice cops venture into a world of corruption, cover-ups and murder stretching across all levels of society, from the streets to the government.
Lyckans ost
Göte is in his forties and socially inhibited by an over-protective mother. When she dies he is forced to discover the real world. His employer trust him with a large sum of money intended for the company's workers up north. On the way he meets two prostitutes.
Mannen utan själ
The blind begger
A mystery game of light and shadow. The shadows seal around the army's. It is the men of the two extreme parties who shoot at each other, spreading destruction and death.
Second Dance
A Swedish road movie about two mismatched women. The road leads to strange meetings and bizarre events and episodes.
The film depicts a stubborn farmer who refuses to adapt to new rules that require him to leave his milk on the village common milk stool instead of his own. Milk truck driver is on his side and gets the milk that he continues to exhibit his milking stool.
"The Scam" - A truck driver and his job colleagues figures out how to make the smart move, on their many trips to Finland: Tinkering with cargo pallets that can be sold illegal.
doktor Östermark
Axel and Bertha are a married couple who are both artists in 1880s Paris, the film addresses the topic of gender equality in marriage and society, for example the property rights of married women.
Profeten i Pajala
Lars Levi Laestadius (1800-1861), founded a Lutheran revival movement in the early 19th century in the north parts of Sweden. It had tremendous impact on local people and the followers increased rapidly. Puritanism and suffering went hand in hand on the narrow road to the kingdom of heaven.
Nilsson i Stensättra
История о приключениях мальчика Расмуса, сбежавшего из приюта, и его друга — странствующего поэта Оскара. Действие происходит в Швеции в начале XX века. Расмус — мальчик, который живёт в приюте. Не выдерживая тюремных порядков и придирок управляющей фрекен Хёк, он убегает из приюта и присоединяется к бродяге и барду по прозвищу Оскар Перекати-поле. Они начинают вместе путешествовать по стране. Ему предстоит пережить немало неожиданных и таинственных приключений и наконец обрести счастье домашнего очага. По мотивам одноименной повести Астрид Линдгрен.
Vårt dagliga bröd
"Our Daily Bread" - Revolves around a group of women who start working at a pizza bakery.
A TV movie about Kurre, a moving company and dirty money.
Three city kids are taken somewhat reluctantly to a farm out in the forests of Sweden. There they meet the resident country kids who's rosy cheeks and youthful antics mirror the apathy and cynicism of the children grown up in the callous and barren streets of the city. In the country, strange and mysterious things are afoot. Sudden fires, cars braking down and enigmatic sightings point to there being more than the modern man fathoms in the woods. People talk of trolls and beings in the woods, guardians of the land, but the grown ups do not believe and the cynical city children say such talk is nonsense.
Till Alfhild
Takes place around Alfhild's café in a thinly populated area in Sweden.
Blom, manager
A man dreams of climbing society and begins to manipulate his business companions to get a sale to benefit him. - My companions are probably good and mean well, but they do not understand business. And yes, they have principles. I have that too. But mine are better.
Sven Ohlsson
A major routine explosion is to be carried out at a power plant, but it does not work properly.
Bluff Stop
It is 1957. A young student is unhappy at school, play hooky frequently and devotes himself to his great interest in music. Together with his girlfriend and other friends he lives a bohemian life in anticipation of becoming an adult.
Братья Львиное сердце
Что ждёт нас после завершения жизни? Пустота? Облака и арфы? Реинкарнация в бабочку? А может — новый, удивительный мир, наполненный красками, беседами у тёплого костра и приключениями, о которых не смеешь и мечтать? Девятилетний Карл Лейон по прозвищу Сухарик болеет туберкулезом и знает, что вскоре умрет. Его старший брат Юнатан пытается его как-то утешить и обещает, что однажды они встретятся в волшебной стране Нангияле. Неожиданно Юнатан погибает при пожаре. Вскоре умирает и Сухарик. Они встречаются в Нангияле…
Mondays with Fanny
Robert works at a warehouse and as a cinema usher and lives in a strained marriage. Every monday, he visits his ill father at the hospital. There he meets the orderly Fanny.
August Strindberg in Paris divorced from his wife, children and friends. In the company of Parisian artists and writers, including Paul Gauguin and Edvard Munch, but often he feel they ridicule and persecute him. Isolated Strindberg venture successfully in alchemical experiments.
Holidays on the swedish east coast. Invading summer guests collide with the locals, all without inhibitions. The formerly so radical Social Democratic municipal councilor has completely lost his visions and fully accepts that the area is transformed into a tourist resort for the rich.
A group of young people gathered on the countryside to celebrate midsummer dancing, drinking and romancing. And some fighting too. Followed by more violence, jealousy and guilt. On the journey home one of the cars the travel in collides with a bus.
Den yttersta dagen
Magnus, an old man sleeplessly sneaks around at night in barns and fields at the farm his son Lennart has taken over. Magnus is anxious and impatient facing the next day.
farbror Orvar
Client at the institution
It's a hot summer day in Näsviken, a small northern community on the verge of extinction, in structural change Sweden. The summer tourists gives some extra income but ironmonger Berglund can not keep the range of temporary guests require. Bud, whose wife Minni sunk into alcoholism due to her man's lack of interest. Bud consoles himself with a strong, viable woman with uncomplicated erotic habits.
En vacker dag
Meteorology assistant
Stellan Engman is Swedens most unpopular person. He is the meteorologist presenting the disappointing weather outlook in TV. One day he picks up a hitchhiker who claims she can predict the weather.
Rich socialite must deny persistent rumours that she has an affair with a poor author.