Фильм снят на основе одноименного романа Стефана Цвейга. Чтобы выдержать психологические пытки гестапо, адвокат, заключенный в тюрьму нацистами, спасает себя, проигрывая в голове шахматные партии и вспоминая при этом моменты жизни, в которые они происходили.
At the center of the family story is 13-year-old titular protagonist Madison, for whom cycle racing means just everything! She gives her all to emulate her cool and successful cycle-pro father. But when the talented and ambitious young racer has to unwillingly swap saddles for a mountain bike, things go haywire.
Цыганская мать-одиночка Али, которую отец выгнал из дома, пытается устроить свою жизнь в Гамбурге, вкалывая на нелегальных работах. Однажды в ночном клубе, где проходят бои, она встречает такого же неудавшегося, бывшего боксера Танне. Он обнаруживает в ней боксерский талант — когда-то Али была чемпионкой среди юниоров. В финальном бою побеждает не тот, кто злее или сильнее, а кому есть за что биться.
Разыскиваемый по всей стране преступник пытается скрыться в одиноко стоящем доме в лесу, но вместо тишины и покоя его настигает топор прямо в лоб и девушка-нежить. Её зовут Мина, и, перекусив убитым, в его машине она обнаруживает затюканного слепого парня, которого решает не убивать.
Находясь в реабилитационном центре, Роми Шнайдер дает последнее интервью двум журналистам. Три дня, движимые романтическим желанием, профессиональными амбициями и жаждой жизни.
Германия, 1931 год. Эрих Кестнер — популярный детский писатель, издавший бестселлер «Эмиль и детективы», по которому собираются снимать фильм. Писатель подружился с исполнителем главной детской роли, сиротой Хансом, который стал для бездетного Эриха не просто другом, но и олицетворением его любимого персонажа. Однако к власти в Германии приходят нацисты, и книги Кестнера тут же оказываются под запретом, а маленький Ханс записывается в Гитлерюгенд.
Executive Producer
The U.S. scholarships Austrian student Inge and young mining student from Burma Sao Kya Seng fall in love. But it's only at the lavish wedding ceremony that Inge discovers her husband is the ruling prince of the Shan state of Burma. After a coup staged by the Burmese military, Sao is imprisoned. Inge does everything she can to free him. Base on the true story of Inge Sargent.
Mae quit school and ran away from home. After her brother’s death her family is broken. Only his red shoes (Chucks) remain. Mae has to start working in a social institution where she meets Paul. He is funny, sensitive, takes Mae as she is - and he is terminally ill. In a book named Chucks Mae writes down her own story about growing up between life and death: wild, tender and absolutely honest.
Бывший полицейский Бреннер должен вернуться в свой родной город, где он окажется вовлечённым в трагическую историю, в которой замешаны его старые друзья...
1975 год. Клод Ланцманн снимает в Риме фильм о Беньямине Мурмельштейне, последнем председателе Еврейского Совета гетто Терезиенштадт, единственном «еврейском старейшине», не погибшем на войне. После аннексии Австрии Германией в 1938 г. Мурмельштейн, бывший венский раввин, неделю за неделей, в течение семи лет ведет борьбу с Эйхманом. Ему удалось добиться разрешения на отъезд 121 000 евреев и избежать ликвидации гетто. В 2012 г. 87-летний Клод Ланцманн не прячет признаков разрушительного действия времени на людей и остается верен своей теме, вновь возвращаясь к римским беседам. Картина повествует о Терезиенштадте — городе, «подаренном Гитлером евреям», насквозь фальшивом «образцовом гетто», выбранном Адольфом Эйхманом для предъявления мировой общественности.
Они — из разных социальных слоев. Но что-то притягивает их друг к другу. Только секс? Или это все-таки любовь? Ведь человек всегда глубже того, чем он сам думает о себе… Несколько современных историй о персонажах из разных городов и стран, объединены в яркий, напряженный, пропитанный ожиданием и проникающий в душу рассказ о любви. Начинаясь в Вене, захватывающее повествование переносит зрителя в Париж, Лондон, Братиславу, Рио, Денвер и Финикс.
В своем домике на дереве 11-летняя девочка Пиа обнаруживает странное и необычное лохматое существо. Это Йоко, обладающий волшебными способностями йети из Гималаев. Попавший в Германию по вине не чистого на руку охотника Йоко переворачивает жизнь Пии вверх дном. Охотник заключает сделку с местным директором зоопарка, и теперь Пиа вместе со своим приятелем Лукасом должны помочь новому другу.
Anna, an attractive woman of 40 years, lives with her husband Johann and his small daughter. Both have managed to succeed economically and lead a helpless life. Suddenly appears a dark character, associated with the underworld, who begins to blackmail Anna, threatening to reveal his past.
A coming-of-age movie about how hard life is and how great it can be...It's the story about Karl "Charlie" Kolostrum, a young guy who tries to get along with his life but hasn't learned to live as an adult yet.
Rest in Peace is all about corpses. About decay and degeneration. About death as an ecological problem, about the dead as human spare parts. About the radical, ultimate end - and the question of whether any part of us remains.
Частный детектив Бреннер берется помочь своему другу Берти в непростом деле. Приятель Берти, Хорват, арендовал его машину и вот уже несколько недель, как бесследно исчез. Бреннер собирает улики и обнаруживает, что последний раз Хорвата видели в ресторане «Птица-гриль «У Лёшенколя». В ходе расследования выясняется, что в ресторане подают не только жареную курицу, но и другие, весьма специфические, мясные блюда…
1936 год. Северная стена Айгера — последняя «нерешенная проблема» Альп, за решение которой сам Гитлер лично обещает вручить золотые медали Берлинской олимпиады… Есть три знаменитые классические стены северной ориентации — Гранд Жорас, Матерхорн, Айгер. Первым — в 1931 — пал Матерхорн. В 1935 была пройдена стена Гранд Жораса. Но именно Северную стену Айгера прозвали «Стеной смерти».
When the beautiful, efficient and successful Christine, 42, arrives at their summer beach home with her husband and teenage daughter, a young hitchhiker catches her eye. What follows is the story of a woman who frees herself, tears her life into pieces and puts it back together in a different order.
For more than ten years, the Viennese children's book dealer Felice Frank has not heard from Alexander Helsing, the father of her little daughter Lilli. All the more surprised is the young woman, when she suddenly learns of the death of Alexander. But not only that: at the opening of the will in Hamburg, it turns out that the deceased bequeathed all his company shares in the family large shipping company to his daughter Lilli - and to the age of majority of the child Felice should manage these shares. However, the dead man's conservative family does everything in his power to disgust the unpleasant business partner.
Кое-что снова произошло. На этот раз в Зальцбурге. Зять президента важного фестиваля мертв. Якобы случилось самоубийство. Для церкви это счастливый случай, так как погибший незадолго до смерти собирался опубликовать скандальные мемуары, содержащие подробности его юности в церковных служках. У Бреннера другие заботы: привлекательная вдова строит ему глазки и делает выгодное предложение. Она полагает, что ее муж был убит. И Бреннер должен доказать это. . .
Documentarians Andre Heller and Othmar Schmiderer turn their camera on 81-year-old Traudl Junge, who served as Adolf Hitler's secretary from 1942 to 1945, and allow her to speak about her experiences. Junge sheds light on life in the Third Reich and the days leading up to Hitler's death in the famed bunker, where Junge recorded Hitler's last will and testament. Her gripping account is nothing short of mesmerizing.
Production Manager
Joe Müller, a single father, is electrified: in front of him stands an outraged woman who insults him badly. Still, he falls in love. As it turns out: not exactly the right one. Tessa, who is in the hospital with her son, is upset because her counterpart does not apologize for the accident caused by his daughter. But then she also finds Joe more than just nice. When Joe finds out that the magical Tessa is the new, ambitious CEO of the architectural firm "Planfactory", who has given him notice without even knowing him, he plans a revenge campaign.
1944 год. На всех фронтах с фашистами сражаются не только отважные солдаты, но и гениальные суперагенты. Завладев шифровальной машиной «Энигма», союзники теперь намерены проникнуть на секретную фабрику, производящую это смертоносное германское чудо. Но как бесстрашным разведчикам попасть туда, где работают только нордические фрау? Чтобы выполнить эту нелегкую миссию, трем чопорным британцам и одному отчаянному американцу придется освоить искусство макияжа и переодевания, надеясь, что их мужественные ножки введут в заблуждение бдительное гестапо.
В Вене бушует конкуренция между службами скорой помощи: «Kreuzretter» и «Rettungsbund». Вражда скоро переходит в открытую войну. Бывший полицейский Брэннер - флегматичный водитель скорой,желающий покоя. А между тем в его окружении происходят одна за другой таинственные смерти. Среди жертв есть и любовники, застреленные во время секса...
Tells the story of a group of gangsters hiding out in a vacation-bungalow who get more than they bargained for.
This documentary road movie features the international jazz big band Vienna Art Orchestra on its tour trough Europe and Canada. A search for the truth of surviving and working in today's cultural world. The musical program of Vienna Art Orchestra's 20th Anniversary Tour under the direction of Mathias Rüegg is entitled "An Echo from Europe - From Django Reinhardt to Django Bates" and is intended as an homage to European jazz composers.
Two young women are hitchhiking when they get picked up by a man who proceeds to sexually assault them. He disappears after that. The suspicion that the „girls" - having a reputation of being "loose" when it comes to sex - killed him, begins to grow.
Herbert Krcal (Roland Düringer) and his wife Margit (Nina Proll) dream of owning a home. They prefer to do this in the "Blue Lagoon", a prefabricated house park in the south of Vienna, where they regularly go on pilgrimage with their son Philipp. Just as regularly, they have to recognize the bitter truth that they cannot actually afford the dream house they have visited.
In a small farming valley in Austria in the beginning of the 20th century a tyrannical farmer is found dead, and all the farmhands are relieved to be free of their tyrant. But the farmer was childless, so suddenly they all inherit the farm together. Now conflicts begin, as nobody is the boss and nobody has to obey.
Bele is 16 and has big hands and feet.
Nothing's right: neither her coat, her first love, nor the first video she shoots with friends. And Agnes, her wonderful mom, isn't right either.
Agnes is the opposite of Bele: She is pretty, successful, perfect. She gets the good things that life has to offer, such as a fulfilling job and a new lover. If only it weren't for her daughter Bele, who mercilessly expresses her needs as only a 16-year-old "bad girl" can.
Comedian Harmonists tells the story of a famous, German male sextet, five vocals and piano, the "Comedian Harmonists", from the day they meet first in 1927 to the day in 1934, when they become banned by the upcoming Nazis, because three of them are Jewish.
After the last concert of a long tour, Dr. Kurt Ostbahn retires to his favorite café to relax. He is suddenly dragged into a bizarre criminal case. His vacation then fills with vice, perversion and murder. Of course, this is not just a story; Dr. Kurt Ostbahn experienced everything himself!
The characters are not inventions; they are personal acquaintances of Dr. Ostbahn. Only the names and details have been changed so as to make them barely recognizable. And the story is more exciting than real life.
Ever had an idea for a film? Ever actually visualised this film in your mind? Or even sketched out scenes and camera angles? Plenty of film buffs have. Michael Glawogger invited 12 people to talk about their ideas for a film and then shot short fragments for them. The result is a crime-story-erotic-lyrical-experimental-vampire-fantasy-horror-soap-opera-splatter-trash-road-movie-melodrama posing as a documentary!
Jojo, a bicycle messenger prone to daydreaming, gets a job offer from a stranger that begins to blur the lines between fantasy and reality. When the route becomes a regular assignment, Jojo finds romance and deadly enemies along the way.
Эта таинственная история произошла в конце прошлого века. В небольшой, затерянной среди Альп деревушке родился удивительный ребенок. Маленький гений обладал уникальной музыкальностью и невероятной способностью слышать все звуки природы.
Став юношей, ему, как и большинству одаренных людей, пришлось столкнуться с непониманием и завистью окружающих. Неразделенная любовь, злоба и коварство ограниченных людей толкают героя на безропотный и молчаливый протест, который приводит к непредсказуемым последствиям.
The story of some young people who grew up in a working-class area in Zurich in the late 1950s. The plain living style of their educators is not on their wavelength. They find the occurences in the newly opened Jazz club much more tempting. Down there is what must not be up there: spontaneous lust for life. Jazz electrifies them all. And then there are the girls ...
Successful actress returns to her family home in rural Austria to visit her ailing father and her sister who spent her whole life taking care of him and her family. The reunion is marked by jealousy, introspection and a secret.
Set within a Viennese apartment block, this affectionate Austrian comedy makes fun of the strange habits of the famed city's residents. The building is located in a middle-class area and has residents from many age groups and walks of life. Many of the tenants are much older, but there are also a few children about. In one apartment lives a large group of Polish construction workers, while a Yugoslavian woman and her huge family attempt to survive in their tiny flat. The episodic story of the lives of these and other tenants is framed by a visit from a civil servant from the Office of Statistics.
In a small army base at the Eastern border of Austria a young recruit is trained to be a soldier to protect his country in case of war. He has to stay for 8 months and during this time he escapes in his own fantasy world...
What are the Knickerbocker Band doing at midnight in the cemetery? Is a spirit really speaking form the sinister grave? Why does Melissa, daughter of the dead sorcerer, receive threats? Has it all to do with the mysterious legacy of the magician?
Life in a residential community, founded 14 years ago by Annemarie and Fritz Pronegg for neglected, mistreated and abused children. The consequences of violence suffered are constantly present. Those affected tell of the effects and difficulties of living with the past.
This film illuminates the way in which the cultural climate of "Red Vienna" affected the subsequent years leading up to the present and examines the mark left on the lives of Jura Soyfer's contemporaries.
Heinzi Boesel and Kurt Fellner are two Austrian health inspectors forced to work together, traveling through Austria. Over time a beautiful friendship evolves between the odd couple who couldn't stand each other initially; a friendship that even overcomes the boundaries of great tragedy.
Two crooks escape from jail and take refuge in a remote hotel. However, their plans soon start to go wrong, leading them to wonder whether they really are free or whether in fact they are already being roasted alive in the flames of hell.
Production Manager
In this highly symbolic political allegory, Averill is traveling through a troubled countryside amid rumors of war to visit his father. He reaches a train station in a city which is paralyzed by a transportation strike and is forced to take lodgings in a bizarre, unattractive town populated by seemingly malformed individuals. After a while, he begins to try to woo a much older woman, and symbolic images of entrapment, imprisonment and erotic enticement mark his adventures in this regard.
A telephone conversation between father and son.
Orhan, who is ten years old, comes to Vienna from a small Village in Anatolia. Armed with his grandfather's revolver, he intends to avenge his father, who was a "guest worker" and was killed in a car accident.
On his quest for "vengeance", Orhan meets friends and enemies and finds himself in a totally strange world. Finally he realizes the absurdity of his plan and returns to his village.
Production Manager
Despite its South-of-the-Border title, Caracas is an Austrian love triangle. Gas-station owner Gerhard Zehmann is saddled with cheating wife Regina Bill. The man would like to escape to Venezuela, but he can't unload his wife. Then he meets a woman who is the exact double of his wife (also played by Regina Bill, of course). Falling in love with this clone, the husband hatches a plan. He'll murder his wife, then leave for Venezuela with her look-alike so as not to arouse suspicion. Are foolproof plans like these ever really foolproof?
Hanna and Leo are expecting a child. They live near Innsbruck where the mountains touch the sky and where absolute bliss seems to reign. But things turn out quite differently.
1. Zuhaelter (Pimp #1)
Viktor and Angelika are a straight couple. He is a professor of veterinary science and she has studied art history. Both are more interested in their hobbies and professions than in each other; also, Viktor isn't terribly interested in satisfying his wife anymore. Their upright relationship changes dramatically when Viktor gets to know Lotte, a former school friend of Angelika's. Back in school, Lotte would have done anything for Angelika.
Production Manager
Based on the many observations made during his extremely interesting and far from dull life, Dr. Döblinger relates four episodes in which he wants to give us a picture of the loneliness and incomprehensibility of mankind.