Cynthia Ward


Back to School with Franklin
Art Department Manager
Franklin and his pals are excited about returning to school after a fun summer vacation. They have no idea of just how different and exciting it will be until they meet their substitute teacher, Miss Koala, a true wonder from down under! Miss Koala sure has a different way of doing things. At first the class is a little resistant, but she quickly wins them over with her "try-anything-once" attitude. Everyone soon finds themselves learning new things and forming their very first soccer team. Now, it's up to Franklin and his friends to win one for their favorite coach before she's off on a new classroom adventure.
Franklin's Magic Christmas
Art Department Assistant
Franklin and his family are off on a Christmas visit with Grandma and Grandpa at Faraway Farm. When a sudden ice storm hits and Grandpa takes a terrible tumble, Franklin and his baby sister Harriet begin a magical adventure as they journey home in search of help. With the aid of a mysterious flying creature and some very special new friends, the two manage to return with Doctor Bear and her family. Once back together, friends and family share an enchanted Christmas Ever and a memory they will hold forever of a magical Christmas night.
Три амигос!
Бандит Эль Гуапо терроризироет мексиканскую деревушку. Некая отчаявшаяся сеньорита призывает на помощь единственных известных ей героев — легендарных «Три амиго». Известные всем как бесстрашные защитники свободы, эти храбрые ковбои, послухам, должны быть лучшими на западе. Однако под огромными сомбреро скрываются всего лишь киногерои. Приняв приглашение за просьбу об очередном выступлении перед поклонниками, наши неуклюжие актеры отправляются в деревню . Но подвергнувшись нападению головорезов Эль Гуапо, они неожиданно для себя понимают, что бандиты, а в особенности их пули — чересчур реалистичны…