Antonio Barozzi moves from Lago Maggiore to Rome to become an actor. He does not realize his agent and acting coach are only manipulating him to further their own careers.
Уже стареющий комедиант-бонвиван Уго Кремонези, чей актёрский псевдоним — Пиккио (то есть Дятел), влюбляется в прекрасную молодую девушку Ренату, горничную из дома для престарелых под названием «Вилла Серена». Немало повеселившийся в жизни «мелкий донжуан», даже уйдя на покой, продолжает дерзко и вульгарно шутить, смущая нравы тихих обитателей богадельни. Однако его платоническое чувство к Ренате в конечном счёте позволяет герою испытать истинные любовные переживания.
italian movie
Peddler (uncredited)
A Army agent goes undercover to clean up corrupt Langford City full of Mexican outlaws.
James, Saloon Keeper
Luigi Batzella directed this spaghetti western under the pseudonym "Paolo Solvay." Gioffredo Scarciofolo stars (using his standard alias, "Jeff Cameron") as Tom Carter, whose brother was murdered and robbed by the evil Ringo Brown (William Mayor) shortly after taking all his money out of the bank to marry Cora (Krista Nell), a local saloon girl. Tom is suspicious of Cora, but she helps him unmask the real killer.
The Servant at van Laurent's
Two spouses discover a corpse that mysteriously disappears and then reappear in their suitcase. This is stolen by a couple of teens who are suspected, like the first two, of murder.
Two Sicilian royalist soldiers flee the island in a trunk at the arrival of Garibaldi's republican troops. They end up in the Far West with the army fighting the Indians and with their ineptitude they contribute to the army's defeat.
Old Mexican (uncredited)
Pat Scotty is hired to eliminate a gang of Mexican bandits led by El Condor. Scotty craftily earns the trust of the bandits, enabling him to trap them all, but in the meantime, genuine friendship and respect have developed between him and El Condor.
Сандро — известный журналист, размышляющий над статьей о нравах общества сегодня и вчера. Семья, дети, любовь, равнодушие, неприязнь, война, власть, церковь и, конечно же, красавица жена Титта со своим мужем — все это попадает в поле зрения журналиста и, так или иначе, относится к теме его статьи «Я, я, я и другие»…
Сальваторе и Розалино приговорены к смертной казни мафией, потому что они обвиняются в том, что соблазнили дочерей босса. Когда их собираются застрелить, им удается сбежать с двумя девушками.
Cassio, a tourist guide, and Primo, his bus driver, are taking a bus load of tourists to visit villa Jovis, at Capri island. Then they have an accident, and they knock their heads hard, losing conscience. They come awake in the times of the Roman Empire in Tiberius' villa.
The old Man who dislikes Trumpet (uncredited)
Michele, a young mechanic, is in love with Angela Antonia, beautiful but capricious: the girl's father, once he learns of the relationship, has him fired from the place where he works and is forced to move to Naples. He asks for hospitality from his aunt Carmela, concierge in a building, but she has no vacancies and arranges him as Donna Tecla, the owner of a pension who, having three young daughters eager to get married, hopes to arrange at least one. But the three girls are not the best of beauty and Michele, gifted with a beautiful voice, agrees to sing in a club on behalf of an impresario who becomes his friend.
Marcellino becomes an orphan and finds two uncles--a good old eccentric man and a villain.
The Old Passenger on Bus (uncredited)
Antonio De Papis is a lawyer and his specialization is separation by mutual consent. He is contrary to marriage because he sees so many of them going wrong. So when his nephew calls on him asking for his approval to his marriage, Antonio suggests to him to spend a day in his office to see what marriage really is.
A Sicilian professor who moves to Rome gets lost in the maze of Roman ministries and gives in to corruption.