Max Boublil

Max Boublil

Рождение : 1979-05-17, Paris, France


Max Boublil (born Maximilien Léon Boublil; 17 May 1979) is a French actor of Sephardi Jewish descent, singer and comedian. He has released 2 albums. Boublil started his career as a comedian in a number of films (Le Bon Fils, Les Gaous, Doo Wop, T.I.C.), in television films and series such as (Sous le Soleil, Navarro, Quai N°1, Hé M'sieur!, Mystère) and a number of advertisements (Crunch, Yoplait, Direct Assurance). In May 2007, he released the provocative and humorous song "Ce soir... tu vas prendre" online and gained big fame and was invited to appear on "Dating" spot on Le Grand Journal on Canal+. He left in October 2007, to concentrate on his one-man shows between 2007 and 2009 including a long French tour Max prend.... and in the provinces under the title Max prend la route starting January 2008. He also took part in TV shows such as One Man Sauvage and did comedy in Max les veut toutes, a F2H production broadcast on Comédie! and NRJ 12 and in May and June 2010, in the television reality show Dilemme on W9 where he presented Le Mag de Max. In September 2010, he came with his new show Le one man musical that included songs and sketches. For his music career, he has released two albums, the debut L'album released on 14 February 2011 and the follow up Le 2ème album in June 2012. He is also well known for his humoristic takes on certain songs and personalities such as in "Ce soir tu vas prendre", "Susan Boyle", "Chanson raciste", "J'aime les moches" and others. Max Boublil co-written and appeared in the film Les Gamins with Alain Chabat, which was released in April 2013. Source: Article "Max Boublil" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Max Boublil


Double foyer
1h30 Max
Max's wife gives birth during his live TV special.
The Grand Restaurant IV
For this new year, Pierre, the director of the Grand Restaurant is thinking big to try to get the famous star from the famous Michalon guide! And for that, he settles at the foot of the Eiffel Tower. Pierre faces an unscrupulous culinary critic, who will offer him a dubious deal: to dismiss his historic chef in exchange for this famous star. Will the manager of the Grand Restaurant accept?
Christmas Next Door
On Christmas Eve, we want everything to be perfect, yet things often go sideways. The holidays are a reality check for everyone, whether life is looking bright or dark. This Christmas, the residents of one Parisian apartment building are going to share an unforgettable holiday. They hardly know one another, only exchanging brief greetings when heading to work or taking out the trash. But this year, when neighbors who are jazzed-up, or depressed, or awed by the magic of Christmas find themselves thrown together, sparks will start flying.
Max Boublil : Nouveau spectacle
J'irai mourir dans les Carpates
Antoine de Maximy disappeared in the Carpathian Mountains during the filming of J'irai dormir chez vous (2005) after a car accident . His editor, Agnès, tries to find him thanks to the pictures of his trip.
Isn't She Lovely?
A couple of parents get in over their heads when they decide to use Scandinavian alternative teaching methods for their teenager.
В мире, где цифровые технологи плотно вплелись в нашу жизнь, не каждый может найти себя. Сатирическая комедия рассказывает о судьбах тех, на кого так или иначе повлияли социальные сети и прочие прелести современного мира.
Жизнь на перемотке
Что если можно было бы отмотать свою жизнь на 25 лет назад, заново пережить все самые яркие события и получить заряд ностальгии? Когда Максу в 13 лет подарили его первую видеокамеру, он не мог представить, что это положит начало невероятно трогательной, смешной и такой знакомой всем нам хронике от 90-х до 2010-х.
Жизнь на перемотке
Что если можно было бы отмотать свою жизнь на 25 лет назад, заново пережить все самые яркие события и получить заряд ностальгии? Когда Максу в 13 лет подарили его первую видеокамеру, он не мог представить, что это положит начало невероятно трогательной, смешной и такой знакомой всем нам хронике от 90-х до 2010-х.
Mad Mom
Le père en jogging
Everything goes for the best in Fanny's life without stories ... until she discovers that her beloved son, Arthur, nine, is the scapegoat of three boys at his school. Fanny will not leave her son alone in front of these little executioners: she will give these dirty kids the change of their room. Thunderstorms and playground traps, now it will be "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth!"
Неженская игра
Paul Coutard
Реймс, 1969 год. Поль Кутар, неисправимый ловелас и спортивный журналист газеты «Шампенуа», решил бросить вызов своему директору и организовать на ежегодном празднике газеты женский футбольный матч. Его заклятый враг, секретарь дирекции Эммануэль Бруно, была вынуждена помогать ему. Они и не подозревали о том, что создадут первую во Франции женскую футбольную команду.
Le meilleur des annonces d'Elie Semoun
The New Kid
Greg, Benoît's uncle
Benoit is the new kid at a junior high school. He's bullied by a gang of arrogant boys who make things difficult for him. Determined not to be pushed around, Benoit organizes a big party and invites the whole class. But on the night of the party, only three students turn up...
Robin des Bois, la véritable histoire
Robin des Bois
Robin des Bois, with his friend Tuck, are bad guy: they only steal poor, women and old people. They dream to get they own brothel in town, like the Pussycat. They decide to rob Nottingham's tax office, but they meet the Sherwood gang - who steal to rich to feed the poors - with the same idea in mind: Robbing the Nottingham sherif. The true story of Robin des Bois can finally begins!
Max Boublil - Grand Garçon
Max Boublil
Anything for Alice
Slacker Max fell so hard for single mother Alice in college that he developed a website aimed at winning her heart. Years later, after his venture has earned him millions of dollars, Max risks his entire fortune performing an ever more complicated series of social contortions to get close to Alice, now a politically motivated factory worker.
Max Boublil - En Sketches Et En Chansons
Max Boublil
Жильберу уже пятьдесят лет, из которых тридцать он женат на Сюзанне, немного занудной дамочке, помешанной на здоровом питании. Они готовятся к встрече с Томасом, женихом своей дочери Лолы. Но Жильбера совершенно не радует предстоящая свадьба. Ему скучно, он разочарован в себе и в своей жизни. Жильбер уверен, что в его нынешнем унылом существовании виновата… Сюзанна! Ведь если бы он не женился, то жизнь его была бы совсем другой — яркой и насыщенной. Жильбер уговаривает Томаса отказаться от свадьбы с Лолой и не повторять его ошибок. И вот, два великовозрастных дитяти, забыв о своих любимых женщинах, пускаются во все тяжкие…
Жильберу уже пятьдесят лет, из которых тридцать он женат на Сюзанне, немного занудной дамочке, помешанной на здоровом питании. Они готовятся к встрече с Томасом, женихом своей дочери Лолы. Но Жильбера совершенно не радует предстоящая свадьба. Ему скучно, он разочарован в себе и в своей жизни. Жильбер уверен, что в его нынешнем унылом существовании виновата… Сюзанна! Ведь если бы он не женился, то жизнь его была бы совсем другой — яркой и насыщенной. Жильбер уговаривает Томаса отказаться от свадьбы с Лолой и не повторять его ошибок. И вот, два великовозрастных дитяти, забыв о своих любимых женщинах, пускаются во все тяжкие…
Любовь в квадрате
Похороны жены Зефа совпадают с церемонией свадьбы дочери Рони! Это неожиданное событие обостряет конфликт между двумя братьями, которых и так разделяет всё: профессии, женщины, монашество одного и жизнерадостность другого: всё, кроме их старого кутежника-отца и двух дочерей, обожающих друг друга. Столкновения, недоразумения и предательства, происходящие между Лондоном, Парижем, Сан-Тропе и Нью-Йорком, подрывают отношения семьи, но благодаря этим спорами и примирениям появляется история большой любви… а может быть, даже две истории.
Les pieds dans le plat
Benjamin Benhaim
Would I Lie to You? 3
Eddie, Dov, Yvan and the others ... Our warm friends have migrated from the moribund Sentier to the flourishing suburb of Aubervilliers ... Where the old Jewish entrepreneurs left the ground to young courageous and dynamic Chinese wholesalers ... The little band is as close to each other as in previous episodes, and life goes on at the mercy of small family events and business. Dov still seems frivolous, enterprising Eddie, chilled Yvan, casual Karine, resolute Sandra, naive Chochana, irresponsible Serge and mythomaniac. As for Patrick, he is in love and the happy elected is far from easy to access. Everything would be fine until a bad wind brings its share of adversity seriously compromising the cohesion of the group. Will they succumb under the storm to the turmoil, or, once again, by mutual aid, cunning and skill, will they triumph over the crisis with panache?
Большой ресторан 2
The schoolboy customer
Рассказ об одном легендарном ресторане, владелец которого является настоящим гуру ресторанного бизнеса.
He's My Girl
A clarinetist is trying to finish his record when his wife and ten year old son reappear in his life. His 10-year-old son whom he has never seen, and Naim, a young Muslim transvestite who will change his life ...
Hé M'sieur
Matéo Goupil
Doo Wop
Ziggy is a freedom loving Parisian often in debts and usually misunderstood by fellow citizens. Though there's a pretty unique karma he has it when seducing girls due to his carelessness. But on the contrary all the girls disappear after moments spending with him, realizing he's still waiting for "Coppola" to come back to Paris.
The Good Son
Teenager Luc lives with his mother Liliane and his little brother Paul in Paris, has to cope with the fact that his mother is a prostitute and practically raise his brother alone. Luc is disillusioned. One day, little Paul wants to phone his grandmother in Nord-pas-de-Calais, one thing leads to another and suddenly the whole family finds themselves in a holiday in northern France. For Liliane it means a reunion with her mother, for Luc and Paul the reunion with their grandmother. And then someday on the beach Luc gets to know Manuel who teaches him lessons in love, life, fun, teenagerhood and friendship.
Chacun chez soi
Pierre Bazeille, a writer seeking a quiet place to work, sublets Félice's home, artist / sculptor in the Lot. While he is manic, meticulous and discreet, she is messy, cyclothymic and unpredictable. Living together will not go peacefully.