Narrator (voice)
Давид — наследник Великого магистра древнего ордена тамплиеров — Рыцарей Храма. Его призвание — не дать силам Зла захватить чашу Святого Грааля и обрести неограниченную власть над человечеством.Не ведая тайны своего происхождения, он становится катализатором цепочки судьбоносных событий. Нескончаемая многовековая битва между Светом и Тьмой за обладание священной реликвией разгорается с новой яростью…
Ewald Stumpe
Born into a well-off family, Franz Blum had led a carefree youth until, some time after graduating from high school, he was arrested by the police. For, involved by a gang of bad boys, the young man had taken part in a bank robbery. A "heroic deed" which earned him six years in prison. Once behind bars, he was treated with ruthless inhumanity by the guards. And little by little - but inexorably - Franz turned into an insurgent...
David's Father
Ann, a ten-year-old girl, becomes the sole heir of millions from her grandmother. Ann's parents, who are short of money and have lost all hope of a bright future try to manipulate Ann's imagination in such a way that she loses her mind.
Karl Schneidereit