Clark Moore

Clark Moore

Рождение : , Laredo, Texas


Clark Moore is an American actor, born in the border city of Laredo, Texas. The son of a store owner/rancher, he invested a large portion of his energy outside. As a result of his affection for the outdoors, he was out hunting, fishing, climbing and enjoying nature. He attended high school in Laredo. The exacting standards of the school didn't agree with him, which meant he found himself in trouble more often than he wanted. When it came to acting, very early on Clark knew that’s what he wanted and High school is where he had some of his first experiences on stage. It was these experiences that would solidify his passion for acting. He realized that his home town wasn't going to offer him the life and opportunities that would fulfill him and knew he couldn't stay. College took him to the University of Texas at Austin, which had a legitimate film program, nestled in a bustling city, and a thriving small film market. Early in his career in Los Angeles, Clark struggled to make ends meet with his acting, getting cast in commercials from time to time while holding down jobs in order to pay bills. Despite constant difficulties, his grit and tenacity only grew as rejection and failure piled up. It became par for the course and through work and perseverance slowly came co-star role after co-star role. These were on network shows such as Masters of Sex and Brooklyn Nine-Nine. As a few years went by his resume grew, and he was able to catch the eye of directors and casting directors which led him to booking a recurring role on the show The Last Ship. That same year his luck changed and he was chosen out of thousands of actors which were being cast out of New York, Miami, Atlanta, London and Los Angeles to play the lead in a 10 minute segment promo for Mini Cooper directed by Academy Award winning director Joachim Bach in a film called This Day Forward. This fortunate event was a catalyst that helped move him into becoming a working actor. Soon after he played the lead in Aaron Manky's Amazon Prime show Lore in The Beast Within. Clark has gone on to play leading roles in several feature films. His career and new opportunities allow him to try areas that stretch him as an actor and pursue future goals such as producing and directing.


Clark Moore
Clark Moore
Clark Moore


Последняя сделка
Правительство собирается легализовать продажу конопли, и тогда у наркоторговца созревает план, как урвать последний куш…
Exceptional Beings
Two Immortal Gods, Athena and Hermes, who have lived on earth for over 4000 years, find out that there is much to the planet than they have always believed, when then come into contact with Mina, a woman who makes them question their own reality.
Лавалантула 2
Несколько лет назад паукообразные монстры, появившиеся после небывалого землетрясения, атаковали Лос-Анджелес. Извергающие пламя мутанты убивали и сеяли огненный хаос, однако их апокалиптическое нашествие остановил незаметный герой - актер Колтон Уэст. После этого безработный киношник стал признанным спасителем Америки, а пауки исчезли. Годы спустя кошмар повторяется. Теперь полчища тарантулов нападают на Флориду, угрожая сжечь дотла самый солнечный штат. Пауки-убийцы появляются на флоридском пляже, где проводит каникулы падчерица героя, Райя, и ее подружки. Ради спасения девчонок Колтон оставляет съемки в многомиллионном блокбастере и отправляется уничтожать лавалантулов. Вдвоем с другом Марти он намеревается очистить Флориду от адских доисторических тварей, пробужденных извержением вулкана, и главного восьминогого чудовища – кровожадного и беспощадного арахнида Гаргантулантулы.
The Zompocalypse Therapy Sessions
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An anxious therapist and her awkward clients wrestle to overcome personal issues and zombies.
Me Little Me
Slice of life film about Mya, an ambitious young woman who learns the hard way that life doesn’t pause when one decides it’s time to heal; and it will take everything she has to save her job, relationships, and most importantly herself.
The Wrong Blind Date
After a recent divorce, Laura is encouraged to move on with an online dating service. She receives a message from someone who catches her attention, but her daughter grows suspicious and is determined to discover the truth.
Planet Dune
A crew on a mission to rescue a marooned base on a desert planet turns deadly when the crew finds themselves hunted and attacked by the planet’s apex predators: giant sand worms.
Pom Poms and Payback
After being dumped, a group of high school cheerleaders seek revenge on their boyfriends, only to suspect that their new cheer coach is actually behind all their troubles.
Pool Boy Nightmare
The story follows Gale as she has a brief affair with pool cleaner Adam, but quickly turns down his continued advances. Insulted at being rejected, Adam starts dating Gale's high school age daughter Becca, using her as an unsuspecting pawn in a twisted game of revenge.
Letters From the Heart
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Hope, an Architect, loses her grandmother suddenly. When Hope returns to her hometown to close out her grandmother’s affairs, she learns there is a stipulation in her grandmother’s will. She has to stay in her Grandmother’s house for a certain period of time in order to receive the remainder of her inheritance. She will learn that it wasn’t just her inheritance that her grandma is trying to give her.
The Bouncer
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The Bouncer tells the story of Danny Martin a reluctant one man fighting machine tasked with cleaning up the roughest night spot in town without getting himself killed in the process.
In this classic retro horror thriller, Sam, an aspiring writer, takes a job as a clerk in an L.A. inner city grocery market owned by the sinister Dr. Munoz, a former scientist who claims to have a rare skin condition.