Akira Kurosawa: The Epic and the Intimate is a French documentary film that consists primarily of interviews with Kurosawa’s European collaborators from the time of the making of Ran, with footage from the film interspersed between the talking heads.
WW2: in an occupied France, a young Jewish girl wants to become a movie star.
Assistant Director
Япония, XVI век. Стареющий правитель Хидетора объявляет о разделе своих владений между тремя сыновьями. Обманутый фальшивыми уверениями в верности двух старших сыновей, Хидетора прогоняет младшего, осмелившегося утверждать, что решение отца навлечет гибель на весь их род. Став жертвой коварного предательства, Хидетора лишается рассудка, а между его наследниками начинается беспощадная братоубийственная война…
First Assistant Director
American actress on vacation in Italy falls for her friend's married Italian lover.
Second Assistant Director
Молодой русский дворянин из провинции пытается избежать призыва на войну с Наполеоном. Он ведет бесконечные «интеллигентские» разговоры со своей кузиной. Политика, философия и война — эти высокие материи стали темой бесконечного фейерверка иронии и юмора.
Assistant Director
Having failed in their quest for the Holy Grail, the knights of the Round Table return to Camelot, their number reduced to a mere handful. Seeing a rift developing between Lancelot and Mordred, Arthur urges his knights to bury their differences and become friends. However, the king is unaware that Lancelot is having an affair with his queen, Guinevere. Lancelot is torn between his duty to his king and his love for the queen, whilst Mordred is determined to use his infidelity to destroy him.
Assistant Director
Jacques and Jean-Claude, unemployed actors, start experimenting with various creative petty scams to get by. More and more daring, with the help of Anne, a charming young girl, they blackmail the rich and influential in a different way.