British director Phelim McDermott offers the audience a new take on the culture of the people of Ancient Egypt in Aida, one that allows us also to question the world in which we live. This new perspective entails a number of bold creative choices that do not make use of the traditional staging imagery associated with Aida. Aida’s command to Radames — “Ritorna vincitor!” — comes at a price. The triumphal march of the victorious Egyptians is a procession for the coffins of the heroes fallen in battle, the chorus are their grieving kinsfolk. McDermott’s staging resonates keenly with the images of so many civilian and military funerals that crowd our newsfeeds. Here is a triumphal march that does not seek to hide the true, lethal and disastrous nature of war, whatever side you are on.
The Princess Eboli
Family jealousy, threat of rebellion, political back-stabbing and the Inquisition weigh heavy on the court of King Phillip II. The tension finally ignites at the King's coronation, where a number of heretics are to be burnt at the stake.
This short film tells the story of a childhood, of a friendship and of growing up. A young man returns to the village where he grew up and discovers that both he and the place have changed. Yet, he soon finds himself immersed in his memories.
The production itself is quite beautiful: recorded in the Basilica di San Marco in Venice in November 2007, it highlights the cathedral's splendor, the reverent audience, the soloists, orchestra and chorus with near-perfect cinematography. The soundtrack is also acceptable, which may have been quite a task to achieve, given the Basilica's over-reverberant acoustics. Alas, the performance itself does not rise to the occasion. Despite the occasional minor insecurity in ensemble and a visible lack of joy, the Symphonica Toscanini musicians play well, the Coro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino members sing equally well, and the soloists are more than adequate, almost tangibly trying to excel.
Радостной и счастливой была жизнь Паши Лукьяновой. Но началась война. В первый же день погиб ее муж. Маленького сына растерзали гитлеровцы. И тогда Прасковья ушла в лес, организовала партизанский отряд и начала беспощадно мстить врагу за сына, за мужа, за Родину…
Svetlana's Mother
Лето 1917 года. Во всех речах большевиков звучат лозунги: нужно кончать войну с Германией! От имени фронтовиков три делегата - Гудушаури, Панасюк и Ершов везут в Петроград деньги, собранные для поддержки рабочей газеты "Правда". Делегатов принимает Сталин, которому они рассказывают о положении на фронте. В Петрограде ширятся выступления рабочих. Ленин призывает к вооруженному восстанию. Войска Временного правительства расстреливают мирную демонстрацию. В рядах демонстрантов оказываются и фронтовики-делегаты. А в октябре они в числе красногвардейцев станут участниками штурма Зимнего Дворца.