Tired of living a closeted life on the Lakota Indian reservation, a young gay man must summon up the courage to leave the only home he's ever known and strike his own path.
Прайс — наемный убийца, давно работает на ЦРУ, но когда он совершает не разрешенное начальством убийство, у его куратора не остается никакого другого выбора, как только начать на него охоту. Прайс решает уйти в Мексику и уговаривает писателя — неудачника и его жену отвезти его до границы…
When Mike Lewis leaves L.A. to stay with his grandfather in Colorado for the summer, he hates the old man's cowboy ways. When Mike demands to go home, the old man agrees and saddles up a couple of horses for a six week trip toward California, home, the Pacific and redemption.
A tale of hidden family scandals. A young woman journeys back to her birthplace and discovers that much of what she had always taken for granted concerning her family life was a lie.