Whilst seeking out locations in the South of France for his next film, director Luc Moullet comes across a male corpse. He immediately decides to use this to his advantage. By swapping his passport with that of the dead man, Moullet hopes that the world will believe he is dead, thereby ensuring a renewed interest in his work. Unfortunately, the scheme backfires, since the dead man was someone rather important...
The intense and twisted relationship between a man and a woman in a bizarre wilderness, as a seductress accompanies a gunslinger fleeing from a posse.
Poacher (as Albert Juross)
Two young women leave claustrophobic city life behind and move to a small border town. There they meet a border guard, involved in smuggling to and from the country. Both women fall for him, resulting in jealousy.
Во время войны, солдаты вербуют бедных фермеров, обещая лёгкую добычу. Двое из этих фермеров, пишут своим жёнам о своих подвигах. Гротескный юмор на военную паранойю, бредовые идеи…
Though a piece of meat figures in this film the real subject is, before you judge something not just a steak, think twice, as for instance the way two people in a situation present themselves to each other.