Boro Banjac


Кэти не любили в школе. Над ней смеялись и всячески издевались, считали ее занудой и попросту неумехой. Мало кто представлял, что одна из шуток может завести слишком далеко, став причиной кровавой мести и целой череды ужасных событий.
Somewhere in Eastern Europe during WW II. The Nazis have captured a Swedish scientist, whom they want to create weapons of mass-destruction for them, and then a group of local rebels will have to free him from the Nazis before they run out of time. To help them with this task, they have sought the aid of a couple of American pilots
Bridge to Hell
When three prisoners of war escape from a prison camp in Yugoslavia they encounter partisans, who they agree to help fight in return for a safe passage to freedom. Their task is to blow up a strategic bridge which is heavily defended by German troops. Follow the action, frought with danger as our heroes complete their mission to destroy... the bridge to hell.