Bernard Hug


Du Tueur
Мартина — крутая женщина-полицейский, пытающаяся раскрыть дело о похищении юной Кэролайн бандой порнографов. У нее уже есть сообщник внутри банды, который скармливает ей информацию, но прогрессу мешает ее собственный комиссар полиции. В личной жизни Мартина любит проводить время со своими коллегами-мужчинами, меняя молодого полицейского на более зрелого и опытного Джина.
Повесть о двух городах
Разочарованный в жизни адвокат Сидни Картон берётся защищать эмигранта Чарльза Дарнея от обвинений в шпионаже против Англии. Невеста Дарнея Люси Мэнетт очаровывает его, и он соглашается помочь ей спасти её жениха, арестованного французскими революционерами, от гильотины.
Touchez pas au zizi
Sarabande porno
Philippe & Jean-Pierre enjoy the companionship of several women who's services they have willingly purchased from a female auction. Each time they are unsatisfied with one, they simply return her to the auction and bid on a new one. After a while both men decide to put themselves out to stud, and are purchased as a pair by rich Emmanuelle Paréze.
Intimate Heat
One of the first hardcore films of Brigette Lahaie. Still scared, she is made to go beyond her inhibitions; she gives her body and soul in front of the camera. Spectators will not be disappointed, for it is to them that she gives herself. A triumphant success for this film upon its release on May 25, 1977.
L'Enlèvement des Sabines
Exasperated and disgusted by the behavior of the men they frequent, several young women from a small village create a women's club: the club Sabines. They are about ten. Their first decision is to rent a mini-car to spend a weekend in Paris. But the men of the village are unhappy. They organize a commando that intercepts the mini-bus in Paris and forces members of the Sabines club to "confess", naked, in a cellar. One of them, however, manages to give the alert and one of their friends, a rifle in hand, can deliver them. The uncovered kidnappers will then be forced to cook, wash the dishes and serve naked in their turn, the young women. Men and women will finally be reconciled during a pleasant evening.