Núria Casanueva


The Olive Tree
Script Supervisor
Alma’s family has been producing quality olive oil in the Baix Maestrat area of Spain’s Castellón for generations. Yet changing pressures in the industry have made their traditional practices economically untenable, and the family is now in the mass-production poultry business. Alma’s grandfather has not spoken in years. Sadness envelopes him, and he no longer wants to eat. His sons—Alma’s father and uncle—are impatient with him, but Alma understands her grandfather. She realizes he has been grieving for a thousand-year-old olive tree that the family has uprooted and sold to pay some debts. (A sadly common reality in Castellón at present.) Unable to bear the idea that her grandfather could die without seeing this terrible wrong corrected, Alma undertakes a quixotic mission to locate the tree and return it to the family orchard, so that her grandfather may have peace in his final days.
Script Supervisor
Чудом выживший в перестрелке Кэссиди доживает свои деньки в пыльной Боливии. Осталось ему недолго, и старик решается на последнее ограбление, чтобы заработать денег на возвращение в родные Штаты.
Они продают даже дождь
Script Supervisor
История двух людей, которые приезжают в боливийский город Кочабамба, чтобы снять фильм о Христофоре Колумбе, но в Кочабамбе в это время разразилась страшная война между местными жителями и многонациональными приезжими за приватизацию водных ресурсов.
Script Supervisor
After a violent storm, Ali awakens on a deserted beach, sick and disoriented. They'll be looking for him and he must keep moving. Ivan, a local Cuban, takes Ali to the apartment of his sister Manuela, a dancer in Havana. At first, she is apprehensive to take in this tormented stranger, but she relents as she feels drawn to this mysterious person who has shown up on her door step. Ali is haunted by nightmares, which bring him to the horror of the interrogation room at Guantanamo, and by startling visions linking his past and his present life. But are these nightmares flash backs to his experiences in the prison or just dreams of a tortured soul?
Второе имя
Script Supervisor
В одной вполне благополучной семье вдруг, ни с того ни с сего, покончил с собой глава семьи. Молодая девушка, шокированная произошедшим, начинает вести расследование и пытается восстановить последние дни жизни своего отца. Перед ней открывается новая, совершенно неизвестная часть его жизни — правда, способная свести с ума нормального человека. Несчастная оказалась в ловушке, выхода из которой нет…
El largo invierno
Script Supervisor
In 1939, Ramón was a young man, caught up in his Barcelona family's involvement on the Republic side in the brutal Spanish Civil War. He and his family fled into exile ahead of Franco's troops. Now it is many years later, and he has come back to see how his old homestead fared in the intervening years. The only person he can find who is able to remember those years clearly is his family's old butler Claudio.
Letters from Alou
Script Supervisor
A group of Africans clandestinely reaches the coast of southern Spain. Among them is Alou, a 28 years old Senegalese. As all his belongings are stolen while in Almsería, he has no choice but to engage in street vending. His only pleasure are the letters he writes to his family to tell the vicissitudes of his Spanish adventure.
Если они скажут, что ты чувствуешь
Script Supervisor
Испания. Последние годы гражданской войны. Сидя в руинах, каталонские дети рассказывают друг другу страшные истории, связанные с войной и сексом. Все эти истории - смесь вымысла и реальных событий. Затем действие фильма переносится на 45 лет вперед, в Барселону после падения режима Франко. Монахиня и доктор, которые были дружны с детства, пытаются идентифицировать в морге труп одного из персонажей тех лет. Обнаружение тела ведет к открытию новых тайн того далекого военного времени.
Scent of a Crime
Script Supervisor
Spain, 1950s. The corpse of an unknown person appears in the town square of Bocentellas, within the mythical territory of Región. The inhabitants will ask for help to Captain Medina, young officer in command of a nearby military fort, until the arrival of the judge.
Laura, del cielo llega la noche
Script Supervisor
A young woman marries a rich man and begins a new life in a little town in the Spain of the 20s. Feeling trapped and bored, she begins a relationship with her husband's stepbrother.
El gran Serafín
Script Supervisor
A group of peoples decide to go to relax to a hotel near the sea. He hotel's owner is an enigmatic woman who lives with her distant daughter, a young pianist and a naive waitress. When the media inform about the end of the world only reaction the waitress and one of the guests.
Script Supervisor
Puzzle is a Spanish Drama starring Antonio Banderas
Crónica sentimental en rojo
Script Supervisor
A woman is found dead on the shores of a tourist beach in Vendrell; one of her breasts amputated. The bust appears, soon after, on the work table of Judge Olvido. The old inspector Méndez then begins a laborious investigation that will take him from the slums of Barcelona to the richest areas of the city...
Script Supervisor
Lola is a young woman who works in a factory. She lives a violent and tormented love with Mario. To get away from him, Lola moved to Barcelona. There he met Robert, CEO of a major company, with whom she starts a relationship.