Bukassa Kabengele

Bukassa Kabengele


Bukassa Kabengele


Eike: Tudo ou Nada
In 2006, when the Brazilian economy was taking off due to the discovery of oil in the pre-salt layer, Eike Batista decided to create the oil company OGX and hired the best men from Petrobras to participate in the pre-salt auction. But megalomaniacal plans and a series of misguided decisions and alliances cause their empire to crumble as spectacularly as it had grown. And Brazil watches, perplexed, the fall of Eike, who loses all his fortune, power and prestige. Inspired by the book by journalist Malu Gaspar.
Tati, an introspective 13 year old girl struggles to connect with her estranged father, Jaca, after he is released from prison in the turbulent wake of the Rio Olympics. As Brazilian Pacification Police battle to maintain a tenuous occupation of the surrounding Rio favelas, Tati and Jaca must navigate the clashing forces threatening to derail their hope for the future.
Miguel Yan
Триллер о полицейском расследовании, рассказывающий историю Люсии, известного полицейского следователя. В возрасте 50 лет она посвятила всю свою жизнь своей профессии и пользуется уважением среди своих товарищей. Но когда она узнаёт что у неё Альцгеймер всё меняется.
Falas Negras
Nelson Mandela
The special features 22 real testimonials from people like Mandela, Martin Luther King and Marielle Franco, who fought racism and freedom in favor of justice.
Behind the Shadows
Jorge is a private investigator that has a questionable character. He seeks information about the death of a young boy in a small city in the countryside of Brazil, that is full of unfriendly strangers. Nightmares with a woman that he has never seen before, Mariá, torments him. Their meeting, in a haunted woods, will reveal that it is not by chance that Jorge is part of this mysterious investigation.
Vista Minha Pele
Professor de Matemática
"Vista Minha Pele" is an amusing parody of Brazilian reality. It serves as basic material for discussing racism and prejudice in the classroom. In this inverted story, blacks are the ruling class and whites were enslaved. Poor countries are Germany and England, while rich countries are, for example, South Africa and Mozambique. Maria is a poor white girl who studies at a private school thanks to the scholarship that she has due to the fact that her mother is a cleaning lady at this school. Most of her colleagues are hostile to her, because of her color and social status, with the exception of her friend Luana, the daughter of a diplomat who, having lived in poor countries, has a more comprehensive view of reality.
Prison Narrator
Если бы Сатана искал местечко для филиала ада на Земле, ему не пришлось бы долго возиться. Наверняка им стала бы тюрьма Карандиру, самое жуткое исправительное заведение в Бразилии. Фантастическая антисанитария, отвратительная еда, охранники-садисты и нарушения всех мыслимых прав человека сделали ее печально знаменитой задолго до того, как однажды в 1992 году доведенные до отчаяния заключенные Карандиру подняли мятеж. Полиция с огромным трудом потопила восстание в крови, убив 111 человек. В итоге, из-за разразившегося международного скандала властям пришлось разрушить тюрьму до основания как символ национального позора.
Sonhos Tropicais
Prata Preta
A Polish Jew becomes a prostitute after failing to get a marriage in Brazil. Meanwhile, the public health doctor Oswaldo Cruz ends up involved in the Vaccine Revolt.