Trigueirinho Neto


Bahia of All Saints
Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, during the dictatorship of Getúlio Vargas. Outlaw Tonio is involved in a conflict between strikers and the police. His mistress tries to keep him from his companions, but he steals her belongings to help the persecuted. Dissatisfied, she denounces him, compromising him politically.
Bahia of All Saints
Production Manager
Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, during the dictatorship of Getúlio Vargas. Outlaw Tonio is involved in a conflict between strikers and the police. His mistress tries to keep him from his companions, but he steals her belongings to help the persecuted. Dissatisfied, she denounces him, compromising him politically.
Bahia of All Saints
Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, during the dictatorship of Getúlio Vargas. Outlaw Tonio is involved in a conflict between strikers and the police. His mistress tries to keep him from his companions, but he steals her belongings to help the persecuted. Dissatisfied, she denounces him, compromising him politically.
Bahia of All Saints
Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, during the dictatorship of Getúlio Vargas. Outlaw Tonio is involved in a conflict between strikers and the police. His mistress tries to keep him from his companions, but he steals her belongings to help the persecuted. Dissatisfied, she denounces him, compromising him politically.
Роза ветров
В 1954-1956 гг. по просьбе Всемирной демократической федерации женщин было снято пять короткометражек для художественно-документального фильма «Роза ветров», в которых были показаны истории из жизни женщин в Бразилии, Китае, Франции, Италии и Советском Союзе. В сборник вошли новеллы: «УТРО КАК ДРУГИЕ» (Um matin comme les autres, Франция, 1956, реж. Янник Беллон); «ДЖОВАННА» (Giovanna, Италия, 1956, реж. Джилло Понтекорво); «АНА» (Ana, Бразилия, 1955, реж. Алекс Виани); «ЧЭНЬ ЛИН» (Chen Ling / 陳玲, Китай, 1956, реж. У Ю-ин); «НАДЕЖДА» (СССР, 1954, реж. Сергей Герасимов и Альберто Кавальканти). Художественным руководителем проекта выступил известный голландский режиссёр-документалист Йорис Ивенс.