Vivien Wulf

Vivien Wulf

Рождение : 1994-01-14, Karlsruhe, Germany


Vivien Wulf


Поцелуй для шеф-повара
Когда в путеводителе для гурманов из-за одинакового названия было перепутано местоположение ресторана высокого класса с кафе, оба владельца пребывают в шоке. Бывший звездный шеф-повар Руфус боится, что он потеряет всю свою клиентуру и престижный статус, в то время как Тони, владелица обычного кафе для работяг, боится, что потеряет своих клиентов, поскольку их может отпугнуть наплыв высокомерных гурманов. Чтобы вернуть к себе интерес шикарной публики, Руфус предлагает Тони участвовать в конкурсе на лучшего повара.
Forward. Side. Close!
A comedy directed by Alexander Peter Lercher.
Sprung ins Leben
Rosamunde Pilcher - Der gestohlene Sommer
Eve Rosemore
Edward Rosmore, a millionaire suffering from a fatal disease, uses a pretext to bring George Armstrong - the man his beloved wife adored when she was younger - back into her life; he wants to make sure there will be somebody to look after her after his death. But his plan seems to go completely askew when his wife misunderstands his intentions and thinks he is planning a new beginning with his secretary. On top of which her daughter begins to fall in love with George, not realizing he is actually her father. And then, when the misunderstandings and half-truths have completely divided the family, there is a tragic sailing accident. Edward dies - and George comes under suspicion of murder...
Mother 007
Nina Wenzel used to be an undercover agent. After her sister's death five years ago Nina gets child custody of the three orphans and quits her dangerous job. In her new family-life she manages to retain some of her skills. When Wolf Geiger, the last person Nina imprisoned, escapes, Nina's old skills are needed again.
Rock It!
When being sent to a boarding school for classical music, teenager Julia discovers rock music - and rock musicians. Torn between these two musical worlds, she has to find her own way.