Shusaku Ohashi
In a once-scenic village now dominated by a vast trash disposal site, a young man yearns to break free from a cruel fate tying him to the very grounds.
In the 16th century, the French astrologer Nostradamus predicted that the world would end in July, 1999. According to him, cataclysms would transform the Earthinto a lawless place where evil would prevail. As the deadline approaches, little Kappei and several other children are isolated on a Japanese island to train in the mystical arts of Mukai Sappuken to save the planet. The problem is that Nostradamus has royally screwed up, so in the spring of 2022, their master sends them to live a “normal” life. Poor Kappei finds himself in Tokyo with shorts that are really too short, the attitude of a manga character, and the psychosocial baggage of a fossil. His quest for justice brings him his first friend, who introduces him to his first love. The apocalypse fighter has not been trained for this at all, and every emotion totally destabilizes him. However, he will have to adapt, as some of his less grounded comrades will soon force a confontation.
Hideo Momose / Kamen Rider Century
Ikki, Touma, and their allies fight against a Devil with ties to Shocker while attempting to help a Kamen Rider from the future reconcile with his now elderly son.
Mitsuru Soeda
Наото Аояги управляет супермаркетом. Однажды он видит, как девочка из средней школы крадет косметику из его магазина. Ученица средней школы убегает из супермаркета, но ее сбивает машина, и она погибает. Отец девочки, Мицуру Соэда, не верит обвинению в том, что его дочь воровала из магазина. Он начинает загонять людей, причастных к смерти его дочери, включая Наото Аояги и водителя машины, в угол. Тем временем Наото Аояги и женщина-водитель автомобиля сбиты с толку давлением Мицуру Соэды и интенсивным освещением в средствах массовой информации.
Koichi Kanzaki
Story about 1998 Nagano Olympic ski jump team competition, where Japan won a gold medal.
Mikuri and Hiramasa both work and share housework duties. They have peaceful days together. One day, Mikuri learns that she is pregnant. They decide to marry, but they soon face problems. Mikuri suffers from pregnancy sickness and Hiramasa decides to take a paternity leave before an important project is finished. The couple experience unfamiliar situations involving childbirth and rearing. They go through difficult times.
Man in Fried Noodle Shop
In consequence of his professional mistakes and declining career, Shuji and his family, the Sasaya’s, are forced to leave the wealthy suburb of Tokyo. The move is slow, long and heartbreaking, and the two Sasaya children, an old teenager and a young adult, unwittingly turn the grieving process into an exuberant and unpredictable farewell party!
Kei's former colleague
After Nanase's father drops dead due to a drug that causes temporal death for 2 days, she is named the president of his pharmaceutical company. Nanase endeavors to prevent her father's enemies from prematurely cremating his body before the drug can wear off and allow him to revive.
Kashiya Hagura
Mildrath (voice)
Luca follows in his father's footsteps to rescue his mother from evil Ladja. Finding the heavenly hero who wields the Zenithian sword is his only hope.
Tenzuki (voice)
Провинциальный городок Камакура — старая столица Японии, где по сей день живы традиции и легенды. Говорят, в местном управлении полиции все еще функционирует отдел по делам лесных духов, а всех диких енотовидных собак в обязательном порядке регистрируют целыми семьями (вдруг среди них есть оборотни тануки). Ещё в Камакуре всегда любили селиться писатели. Оказался среди них и детективщик Иссики. C молодой женой они расследуют преступления и загадки, связанные с призраками, оборотнями и даже инопланетянами.
Following the showdown with his arch nemesis Ando, Detective Ango Ishikawa takes on a new case with his uncanny ability to communicate with the dead.
In prewar Japan under the military regime, a bloody battle between the extremely oppressive Special Higher Police and villagers begins!
Juzaburo, known as a chivalrous robber, is one day betrayed by his henchman and his entire gang is slaughtered. The gravely wounded Juzuaburo escapes and is saved by Inspector Sadaemon and a couple, Kansuke and Okayo, who run a tavern. There, Juzuaburo retires and changes his name to Genzaburo.
Bonji (voice)
Эш собирается посетить лабораторию профессора Оука, чтобы получить своего первого покемона. Но профессор спешит сообщить, что три стартовых покемона — Бульбазавр, Сквиртл и Чармандер — уже были выбраны другими тренерами, которые пришли раньше. Профессор предлагает Эшу оставшегося покемона электрического типа — Пикачу. Из-за упрямого характера Пикачу отказывается быть внутри покебола, но Эш с радостью принимает его и отправляется в далёкое путешествие.
Ichiro Watanabe (voice) / Bewan (voice)
Ichiro Watanabe / Bewan (voice)
Фантазерка Коконэ обожает спать. Где бы она ни засыпала — дома или в школе, ей всегда снится один сон. Действие происходит в королевстве, похожем на ее родной город, а принцесса Ансьен, владеющая искусством магии, как две капли воды похожа на Коконэ. Героине кажется, что фантастические сновидения как-то связаны с ее жизнью. Однажды эта догадка получит подтверждение…
Momoji Sakuraba
As undercover cop Reiji takes on a new mission to takedown the Chinese mafia, elite police officer Shinya moves to arrest Reiji.
In 1946, on a fictional island called Gokumon-tou, located in the Inner Sea of Seto, the famous detective Kindaichi intended to pass his convalescence after the invitation of his war buddy Kitou Chimata, the successor son of the powerful clan of the Kitou Family. But Kindaichi arrives alone, bringing the bad news of Chimata's death. However, the truth is that Kindaichi is not on the island to recover. Before Chimata died, she uttered the words: "My sisters will be killed!" Indeed, as the three sisters are murdered one by one in horrible and strange ways, Kindaichi desperately tries to find the culprit and in the process discovers the intrigues of the family, secrets, island mentality, discrimination, and eccentricities, With the backdrop of the turbulent postwar period.
Tadasuke Ooka
Masaatsu Naito successfully completes Sankin-kotai (required ritual to visit the shogun). On his way home, he hears that an insurrection by peasants has taken place in his hometown of Yunagaya. Masaatsu Naito knows that it is a counterattack by Matsudaira. He returns to Yunagaya, but finds that his castle is gone.
Devil (Voice)
Чёрный кот Рудольф потерял своего хозяина — он проснулся в грузовике, который привозит его в огромный Токио. Там Рудольф встречает огромного кота Иппая, которого боятся все местные коты, и решает учиться быть бродячим под мудрыми наставлениями бывалого Иппая.
Sawaguchi : Police Agency Commissioner General's Secretariat
Загадочная авария в туннелях под мостом-шоссе Токио Бэй Аква Лайн ставит на уши все аварийные подразделения мегаполиса. Шеф МЧС Японии созывает всех, чтобы найти причину аварии, и возможные решения сложившейся проблемы. Они еще не знают, что это только начало. Огромное существо, известное как Годзилла, встало на путь разрушения...
Kent Beef Jr. / Pork (voice)
Компания неразлучных и жадных до наживы приятелей наконец-то находит Гран Тесоро — гигантский корабль развлечений. И, разумеется, сразу же отправляется в казино. Их всех постигает невиданная доселе удача, но, кажется, наши герои стали жертвами хитроумной мошеннической схемы.
Sachiko lost her parents at an early age and lived together with her only sister Nobuko who worked for a newspaper. Out of the blue, she is told that Nobuko is killed in an accident, but she simply cannot believe it because her sister had told her she was going to an entirely different place. She begins her investigations on her sister’s mysterious death with the help of Nobuko’s colleague and journalist Ryoichi. And when another colleague, Tomoe commits suicide, Sachiko has a gut feeling that a well-known figure is involved in the death of her sister...
After dying in a bus crash and falling to hell, high schooler Daisuke joins a demonic rock band so he can be reincarnated back into the mortal world.
Hisahide Matsunaga
Saburo is a high school student good in sports, but not very good with his studies. One day, Saburo travels back in time and arrives in the Sengoku period of 1549. There, Saburo meets Nobunaga Oda who looks and sounds just like Saburo. Nobunaga Oda is the son of a warlord and magistrate of the lower Owari Province. Nobunaga Oda though is physically weak and he asks Saburo to take his place. Then, Saburo as Nobunaga Oda attempts to unify the country of Japan.
Yama Arashi
Botchan (Kazunari Ninomiya) has sense of strong justice and does not lie. He is offered a teaching job at a middle in a small village far away from his hometown of Tokyo. Botchan accepts the position and begins to work as a math teacher. The assistant principle there wields absolute power. Botchan has a hard time dealing with his fellow teachers and the students.
Store Manager
Иногда и ложь творит чудеса. Есть Ватару - молодой доктор-гений, да правда слабость питающий к женскому полу, от того и крутящий романы направо и налево. А есть уборщица Аюми, имеющая проблемы с общением с людьми и совсем не немножко беременная от этого самого доктора-ловеласа. И вот 1 апреля, когда все шутят над друг другом, она, наконец, дозвонившись до Ватару, сообщает, что ждет его ребенка, да так давно ждет, что вот-вот родит. Что бы сделали вы? Конечно, не поверили. Так и поступил наш герой. И с этой минуты начинает набирать обороты водоворот событий, захватывающий в себя всех и вся: от полицейского до пожилой пары аристократов, от мальчика, считающего себя инопланетянином, до похищенной двумя странными бандитами девочки. Момент истины настает, когда Ватару приходит на свидание с очередной подружкой в ресторан, а следом за ним Аюми с битой и пистолетом на перевес, дабы заставить его признать ребенка.
Byrnndi World (voice)
The special takes place during the two year before the Straw Hats reunite on Sabody. Luffy is currently in Rusukaina training to get stronger to take on the New World. However the training is interrupted when Hancock's sisters, Marigold and Sandersonia, are kidnapped by the Byrnndi World, a pirate who was locked away on Level 6 of Impel Down but escaped during Luffy's invasion to save Ace, in order to lure Hancock to him and use her as a hostage against the World Government due to her Shichibukai status. Thus Luffy and Hancock head off to confront him and save Hancock's sisters.
Goemon Ishikawa steals a golden statue from Yukari Kukai with female thief Neko no Me Ogin, but Private Detective Shinkuro Akechi chases after Goemon Ishikawa and Neko no Me Ogin. Detective Shinkuro Akechi discovers that there is a code hidden within the golden statue. The code reveals the location where gold is hidden. Meanwhile, outlaws gather under Goemon Ishikawa.
Two souls were drawn to each other without any possible escape from their doomed fates. It was in an era when the country was divided in the north and the south. A legendary woman "Shiren"(Hiromi NAGASAKU) who was born to a family of assassins. A young sword fighter "Ragi"(Tatsuya FUJIWARA) who looked up to Shiren with admiration. News was brought to the north that said the King of the South "Godai"(Katsumi TAKAHASHI) has revived who once was assassinated by Shiren. Shiren was once again ordered by "kyougoku"(Arata FURUTA), a high-ranking vassal of the North, to assassinate Godai. Shiren was upset about Godai being still alive whom she believed she had killed. Ragi who sensed Shiren's distress volunteered to accompany her on the mission. Shiren's cold heart started to melt by seeing Ragi's determination to be there for and support her. Finally the moment to attack Godai comes. It was the moment when an astonishing truth was revealed to the two who had shared their love by that time.
Yattaran (voice)
Далекое будущее. Преступная корпорация Гайя стала злейшим врагом Земли, отобрав у людей все: свободу, дом, будущее… Казалось, что надежды на спасение нет… Но, появился Он — космический пират Харлок, капитан призрачного корабля Аркадия. Беглец, готовый сражаться за Землю. Кто Он, герой или преступник?..
Twenty-year-old Kaori, an aspiring accessory designer, spends her days troubled by her mother's violence and excessive meddling. Meanwhile, forty-year-old secretary Kaori, whose daughter is a shut-in, can't stop shoplifting and having casual sex.
Ichi Kondo
Kenichi Shibuya is a 50-year-old salaryman who divorced a few years back. Since the divorce, his relationship with his daughter has become awkward. One day, Kenichi Shibuya and his boss Yumi Ayase are struck by lightning and die. They go to the afterlife. There in the afterlife they hear of a legendary soup. If someone drinks the legendary soup, that person is reborn, but the reborn person has no memories of their prior life. Kenichi Shibuya then searches for the secrets in the legendary soup, hoping to be reborn, but not forget his daughter.
Genma Saotome
Akane is the youngest of three daughters for Soun Tendo. Her father Soun Tendo runs a dojo for martial arts. Akane hopes to carry on her father's dojo into the distant future. Meanwhile, Akane has been selected to marry Ranma, the son of her father's long time friend Genma. Akane and Ranma's relationship has developed into a love and hate relationship. Also, Ranma isn't your typical boy. While on a training journey Ranma fell into the Spring of the Drowned Girl and now changes into a women whenever cold water is splashed on him. Warm water will allow him to revert back to a male. Problems arise when Akane's father declares that the successor to their dojo must be a male. Now, Akane and Ranma (being a man only half of the time) must find a secret spring that can cure him of his curse.
The film stars Seishiro Kato as Rantaro who is sent to a ninja training school by his parents. During the summer, their teacher is invaded by a group of rival ninjas culminating in a race to ring a bell on top of a mountain.
A woman has thrown herself away for rescuing a country. A man has picked up a sword to protect a woman. Time in the 17th century, and place in the Iberian Peninsula. The master thief of the era Goemon ISHIKAWA (Arata FURUTA) has been rampaging in the Mediterranean Sea as a protector of a female pirate named Anne the Tornado (Yuki AMAMI)./span> One day, it turns out that Anne is the heir-to-the-throne of a small country. Heard of the corrupt politics in that country after the king's death, her inborn masculine spirit makes-up her mind to become the Queen of the country. The first duty as the Queen is to eradicate the pirates. Against her will, she is forced into a fight against Goemon who protected her former comrades. Godemon, who became suspicious of the series of events, brakes into the castle to steal Anne out. What Goemon saw there was ......!? What would be the fate of Goemon and Anne...!!
Heizo Sahara
«13 убийц» (яп. 十三人の刺客 Дзю:саннин но сикаку?) — кинофильм режиссёра Такаси Миикэ, вышедший на экраны в 2010 году. Ремейк одноименного фильма 1963 года, снятого режиссёром Эйити Кудо. Действие происходит в Японии в 1844 году. Жестокий господин Нарицугу, брат сёгуна, приобретает в стране всё большее влияние и власть. Это грозит ей хаосом, разорением и даже ставит под угрозу существование самой системы сёгуната. Советник сёгуна господин Дой после долгих раздумий решает начать действовать и поручает надёжному и опытному самураю Синдзаэмону Симаде ликвидировать опасного властителя. Синдзаэмон собирает команду из двенадцати бойцов, достаточно хорошо владеющих отживающим искусством фехтования, и вырабатывает план нападения. Оно должно состояться во время поездки Нарицугу из Эдо в его владения в сопровождении большой свиты. Теперь основной задачей становится необходимость нивелировать преимущество врага в количестве воинов.
Katsutoshi Ota
The Seaside Motel is trapped in the mountains, without even enough water to serve their guests 24 hours a day, much less having a view of a body of water of any kind.
Haruo Nami
The final showdown, and the final reveal. who is Friend? How can he be stopped?
In 2008, the overwhelmingly popular SHINKANSEN has turned Tokyo and Osaka into whirls of excitement. With a live band playing the music on stage, “GOEMON ROCK” is filled with songs, dances, laughter and tears in the detonating sound of rock music. It is a must-see performance that makes every bit of the stage simply explosive.
Shoichi Komori
Arata Furuta plays a disgruntled saleryman fed up with being stepped on at home and at work, decides to get revenge on those who do bad things by killing them, only to gain a group of followers.
(segment "Moondrive") (voice)
Сборник из пяти короткометражек разных авторов.
Это было смутное время. Шла война между тремя могущественными кланами: Ямана, Акидзуки и Хаякава. В ходе сражений союзный клану Хаякавы клан Акидзуки был полностью истреблен войнами клана Ямана. Последняя представительница клана Акидзуки принцесса Юки вместе со своими спутниками пытается пробраться к союзникам и одновременно перевезти очень ценный груз.
Shuji Gouda
Токийский прокурор Кохэй Курю расследует простое убийство, которое с лёгкой руки высокопоставленного коррумпированного чиновника неожиданно для Курю превратилось в судебное разбирательство с широким общественным резонансом.
Makoto Kondo
Летние каникулы Каору начались с того, что ее мать ушла из дома. Сейчас, через двадцать лет, когда младший брат женится, она понимает, как много значило то далекое лето в ее жизни. В их семью вошла новая женщина, Ёко. На первый взгляд она кажется вульгарной и невоспитанной. Курит сигареты, хохочет по любому поводу, катается на велосипеде, позволяет Каору пить запретную кока-колу и слушать модные песенки. Постепенно между Каору и этой странной женщиной, так не похожей на ее мать, зарождается дружба. В конце лета мать возвращается, Ёко исчезает из жизни Каору, но ничто не проходит бесследно…
Detective Sakurai
While celebrating with her friends in her new cheaply rented apartment (with balcony and view of the sea) on the thirteenth floor of a building, the young Sayaka unexpectedly jumps off the balcony committing suicide. Her mother goes insane and her older sister, Mariko, decides to investigate the mysterious death of her sister. She finds that there have been many suicides of young women living in apartment 1303. She finds a book telling the tragic story of the Yukiyo and her mother, the first tenants of the apartment and uncovers the truth behind the suicides.
CM Tarento
A young martial arts student gets caught up in a series of Kung Fu adventures with a woman who manages a Chinese restaurant.
Munakata has an unrelenting guilt from killing his mother when he was 15 years old. After being imprisoned for 10 years, he is released and heads to Yako, a small industrial town, to work as a machinist. Living in a tiny apartment, he is tasked with secretly creating a gun out of an old TV remote control and unknowingly destroys the fragile balance of the town.
Приближается третья годовщина смерти Буссана, и Бемби начинает слышать таинственный голос, который твердит: «Построишь "его" — он придёт». Тогда Бемби решает собрать старых друзей, чтобы вернуть Буссана к жизни и сказать ему «бай-бай» как положено.
"Our War" is a special drama produced by Japanese TBS TV. This is the third bomb of the war-themed TV series after the "Song of Sugarcane Field" and "Guangzhou·Showa August 6th, 20th." It is said that in 2005, young people from the end of the island, Kenji and Showa’s 19-year-old pilot, Shi Tingwu, changed their identity because of time and space, and then used their respective perspectives to look at the Pacific War and the youthful story of peaceful modern life.
Takeshi Wada
Rei Iwatsuki moved from her hometown Kōchi to Tokyo to pursue her dreams. On arrival, she found a job as a waitress in a restaurant and met guitarist Ryuuji Shintani. Ryuuji liked her voice and invited her to join his band as the vocalist, The Survival Company (also known as Sabakan). The two started a relationship but then broke off when Rei wanted to write her own songs. Rei met other girls also working in the restaurant, Hirono, Ryoko and Maki, all in pursuit of their own dreams, and became good friends with all of them. One day, Rei receives news that Takashi was seen in New York and she decides to go look for him...
In a poor district of Edo lives a young samurai named Soza. He has been sent by his clan to avenge the death of his father. He isn't an accomplished swordsman however, and he prefers sharing the life of the residents, teaching the kids how to write etc. When he finally finds the man he is looking for, he will have to decide whether he follows the way of the samurai or chooses peace and reconciliation.
Four strangers (a verbose romantic, a human lie detector, an expert pickpocket, and a woman with a preternaturally precise sense of time) are brought together by chance when they inadvertently team up to thwart a bank robbery. Recognizing the potential of their combined talents, they decide to form a bank-robbing gang themselves, just for the fun and romance of it. Their heists are played out swiftly and coolly, less like robberies than performance art. Eventually, the foursome's good-natured crime streak is interrupted when a man from one of their pasts creates a whirlwind of extortion and double crossing.
Two Japanese friends accidentally kill their boss and dump his remains in Black Fuji, a mountain/landfill hybrid. This leads to poor results when the chemicals of the landfill mix with the corpse (and many other corpses) to give rise to a zombie infestation in Tokyo.
Два незадачливых грабителя в канун Рождества, переодевшись в парочку бородатых Санта-Клаусов, ограбили банк. Однако, по выходу из банка оказалось, что пути немедленной эвакуации с места преступления отрублены — эвакуатор лишил их скоростного средства передвижения. Не долго думая, горе-грабители рванули в метро и решили избавиться от неопровержимых улик в виде сумки набитой деньгами, спрятав её в одной из кабинок камеры хранения. Но, как можно догадаться, это была не самая лучшая идея…
Shimizu Jirocho
Yaji and Kita are two men who live in Edo. They are deeply in love. Yaji is married to a woman, while Kita is an actor addicted to various drugs.
Огромной ошибкой стала идея учителя и простого семьянина Синъити одеться супергероем Зебраменом, пытаясь спастись от скучной жизни. Телесериал о подвигах этого супергероя был прекращен после шестой серии, но Синъити продолжал действовать в мире своих фантазий в самодельном костюме зебры. Он получил больше, чем мог желать, но, похоже, что именно его одетое в черно-белый костюм альтер-эго стоит между абсолютным злом и счастливым концом.
Takayuki (Takao Osawa) is an elementary school teacher in Tokyo. He is seized with Behçet's syndrome, and will gradually lose his sight. He resigns from his job and leaves his girlfriend, Yoko (Yuriko Ishida) to return to his hometown, Nagasaki, where his mother lives. Takayuki spends his days strolling around Nagasaki, to imprint familiar scenes on his memory. Yoko visits him and insists on staying. Takayuki has major concerns for her future, and his own life. He drives her away, for her own good. After days of affliction, the two reunite. The story leads to an emotive conclusion, the end of his spiritual journey.
One of a gang of karaoke loving middle aged women is murdered by a young man. Her friends track him down and kill him. His friends track them down and kill the killer ..... and it escalates!
На дворе лето 2003-го года, а Буссан и не думает умирать! Мало того, у него масса планов на будущее: пить пиво с друзьями, играть в бейсбол... и не только! Ещё посетить новое заведение босса Ямагути, вновь встретиться с Айкавой Сё и даже устроить в Кисарадзу масштабный рок-фестиваль! Это лето будет головокружительным!
The story of three pairs of characters involved one way or the other with the yakuza and a rigged boxing match and fleeing the thugs one way or the other. Filmed as a showcase of the Japanese boy band V6, Hard Luck Hero has food, drink, cars, kickboxing, debt, shooting, theft, blackmail and music.
A young department store worker discovers a magical lantern which contains the spirit of Tsuboi, a genie who has just one last chance to help someone on Earth.
The second film outing of the Hurricaneger team. Hurricaneger the theatrical movie introduces new, original hardware and characters, including "Tenrai Senpuujin," the Gattai Robot. Sayaka Yoshino guest stars!
Oku-chan (Voice)
Фильм иронично рассказывает о жизни сотрудников вымышленной анимационной студии "Гибли", которые подозрительно похожи на работников одной реальной известной студии. Главным героем является Нонака-кун, его приключения изложены в шести коротких новеллах, каждая из которых нарисована в различном стиле. Несмотря на то, что облик персонажей намеренно представлен сильно искажённым, знакомые с творчеством студии зрители без труда узнают в них их реальные прототипы.
Naoto Ogata plays Sadajiro, a young farmer fighting out the battle of the riot through to the end. Sadajiro's wife is played by Hiromi Iwasaki, his father is played by Go Kato and Ryuzo Hayashi plays a leader of the Riot. The Riot in Gujo is called one of the biggest three riots in the Edo Period as it took almost 5 years to settle and also involved the Edo government. This movie is a period film about the riot and Gujo farmers fighting for their tenacity of purpose. The farmers had suffered enough from heavy taxes and decided to rise up in riot when the domain lord, Yorikane, issued a new act, which practically forced tax increases. Asking the lord to retract the act, they pour down to the Hachiman Castle. For once they attain the repeal deed signed by the chief retainer. However the promise is broken. Now the farmers decide to make a direct plea to the Edo Residence…This film is full tension and breathless moments.
Junk Food consists of four intertwining stories. The first and fourth sections show the morning routine of an blind, old Japanese woman, waking up, buying bread and milk, praying at the family alter; however, it is the second segment where the true story begins.
Naoya Moriyasu
There still stands a famous apartment building where such prominent manga artists as Tezuka Osamu, Shotaro Ishinomori and Fujio Akatsuka once lived, worked, and shared experiences.