15 марта 1848 года в Пеште вспыхнула революция. Однако среди восставших есть и информатор императора. Большое место занимает в фильме Шандор Петефи — замечательный народный поэт-революционер, не только пером, но и с оружием в руках отстаивавший свободу родины, и его друг генерал Бэм — польский революционер, боровшийся против общих врагов венгерского и польского народа — династии Габсбургов. Монументальная кинокартина увековечивает память знаменитых и анонимных героев войны за независимость.
Kata Juhász is the shrew in this updating of Shakespeare's play. Kata's wedding is scheduled but her groom deserts her over her whims. In order to prevent the guests from being disappointed, she hires a tramp from the banks of the Danube to play the role of the groom. The tramp, Chief Engineer Péter Szabó, doesn't bend to her caprices. This leads to confusion and resolution in the Shakespearian fashion.
Nadányi Ervin
How did a beautiful American divorcee get into the bed of her best friend's fiancé right after returning to Budapest?
Two girls run away from a small village. Gyöngyi comes from an aristocratic family and her father throws her out of the house when he discovers she has gotten pregnant out of wedlock. She finds herself wandering the streets of Budapest and earns money playing the violin in a restaurant. Vica is an orphaned peasant; she is afraid of her stepfather and moves to the city where she gets a job on a construction site. Gyöngyi and Vica meet on the streets of Budapest, move in together and turn their lives around.
Ifj. Majer
Gyéres tanár úr
Mr. Polgár is a provincial paper dealer. His sons, Viktor and Feri, are managers in a big factory in the capital, spending their money lavishly, living their lives in a careless, irresponsible way. Viktor is to marry a baroness and feels rather too uneasy about his father's small business. He persuades his old man into selling the business he had so long cherished and to move to their place in Pest.