"Spring Symphony" is the story of Robert Schumann and Clara Wieck. Both were music entities. Robert Schumann turns out to have been a second tier composer, if that, never rising to the heights of a Beethoven or Mozart. In contrast, Clara Wieck was a master technician in the playing of the piano, a composer (probably not at Schumann's level), and was a child prodigy.
Верная Рука и Виннету продолжают успешно противостоять проискам коварных злодеев, желающих всеми правдами и неправдами завладеть племенными землями апачей. Захватывающие скачки и погони, безупречная стрельба навскидку, драки - все это присутствует в изобилии и никого не оставит равнодушным.
In Hungary, Sebastian searches for a traitor who betrays his people after promising them freedom. An episode of the spy show Five Fingers edited for theaters. Released theatrically in the UK in October 1961 as supporting film to The Queen's Guards.