The Investigator, a benevolent alien from a distant galaxy, selects an Earth boy and girl, John and Julie, to assist him in his mission to make their world a better place. The pair are miniaturized to assist The Investigator more easily, and assigned to prevent the theft by Stavros Karanti of a 14th-century masterpiece from a church on the island of Malta. John and Julie are presented with a car and a boat, scaled to accommodate their miniaturized size and set out to thwart Karanti's plans...
Беспилотный исследовательский зонд по изучению Солнца обнаружил новую планету в Солнечной системе, на той же самой орбите что и Земля, но на противоположной стороне Солнца. Европейский Центр Исследования космоса совместно с НАСА предлагает пилотируемый полет на новую планету
The International Rescue team is faced with one of its toughest challenges yet, as the revolutionary lighter-than-air craft Skyship One is hijacked while on her maiden voyage around the world. Against backdrops including the Statue of Liberty and the Sphinx, Lady Penelope, Parker, Alan and Tin-Tin fight the hijackers from on-board, while the rest of the team tries to stop the airship crashing.